RFARadio Free Asia
RFARequest For Application(s)
RFARestricted Free Agent (professional sports)
RFARadio Frequency Ablation (medical)
RFARenewable Fuels Association
RFARain Forest Alliance (fair trade coffee)
RFAReady For Acceptance
RFARCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) Facility Assessment
RFARegulatory Flexibility Act of 1980
RFARome Free Academy (Rome, NY)
RFAResonance Frequency Analysis
RFARemise de Fin d'Année (French: End of Year Discount)
RFARecreational Fishing Alliance
RFAResults for America (Civil Society Institute)
RFARika's Fundraising Association (gaming)
RFARenewable Fuels Agency (various locations)
RFARegional Forest Agreement (Australia)
RFAResident Flash Array
RFARecord File Address
RFARelease for Announcement
RFAReceive Frame Area
RFARemote File Access
RFARadio Free Afghanistan
RFAReady, Fire, Aim
RFARoyal Field Artillery
RFARequest For Assistance
RFARequest for Adminship (Wikimedia Foundation)
RFARefrigerated Foods Association (Atlanta, Georgia)
RFARequest For Approval
RFARugby Fives Association (UK)
RFARegistered Futures Association
RFARequest for Authorization
RFARequest For Action
RFARegistered Financial Associate (International Association of Registered Financial Consultants)
RFARequest for Approach (various locations)
RFARadio Frequency Allocation (US DoD)
RFARépublique Fédérale Allemande (French: Federal Republic of Germany)
RFARepública Federal Alemana (Spanish: Federal Republic of Germany)
RFARéseau Financement Alternatif (French: Alternative Financing Network; Belgium)
RFARemote First Aid (UK training courses)
RFARight Forearm
RFARoyal Fleet Auxiliary Service (UK Royal Navy)
RFARequest for Admission
RFARequest for Arbitration
RFAReserve Forces Act
RFARaised Floor Area (data center engineering)
RFARight Femoral Artery
RFARobin Fogarty & Associates (Chicago, IL)
RFARestrictive Fire Area
RFARequest for Federal Assistance (form)
RFARemote Feature Activation
RFARequest for Analysis
RFARequest for Appointment
RFARegional Funding Allowance
RFAResponsible Fishing Alliance (various locations)
RFARadio Frequency Authorization
RFARestricted Fire Area
RFARemote Function Actuation
RFARegional Football Association (Ghana)
RFARectifier Failure Alarm (battery failure)
RFARecency Frequency Amount (retail segmentation tool)
RFARetired Firefighters Association
RFARequest for Final Approval
RFARenormalized Free Atom
RFARobust Fuel Assembly (nuclear power)
RFARelieved From Assigned
RFARecurrent Fault Analysis
RFARecoverable Financial Aid
RFARequest For Alteration
RFAReserved for Future Assignment
RFARequest Further Airways
RFARocky Flats Authorization (to ship)
RFARemedial Facility Assessment
RFARequest For Architecture