Acronym | Definition |
RFA | Radio Free Asia |
RFA | Request For Application(s) |
RFA | Restricted Free Agent (professional sports) |
RFA | Radio Frequency Ablation (medical) |
RFA | Renewable Fuels Association |
RFA | Rain Forest Alliance (fair trade coffee) |
RFA | Ready For Acceptance |
RFA | RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) Facility Assessment |
RFA | Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 |
RFA | Rome Free Academy (Rome, NY) |
RFA | Resonance Frequency Analysis |
RFA | Remise de Fin d'Année (French: End of Year Discount) |
RFA | Recreational Fishing Alliance |
RFA | Results for America (Civil Society Institute) |
RFA | Rika's Fundraising Association (gaming) |
RFA | Renewable Fuels Agency (various locations) |
RFA | Regional Forest Agreement (Australia) |
RFA | Resident Flash Array |
RFA | Record File Address |
RFA | Release for Announcement |
RFA | Receive Frame Area |
RFA | Remote File Access |
RFA | Radio Free Afghanistan |
RFA | Ready, Fire, Aim |
RFA | Royal Field Artillery |
RFA | Request For Assistance |
RFA | Request for Adminship (Wikimedia Foundation) |
RFA | Refrigerated Foods Association (Atlanta, Georgia) |
RFA | Request For Approval |
RFA | Rugby Fives Association (UK) |
RFA | Registered Futures Association |
RFA | Request for Authorization |
RFA | Request For Action |
RFA | Registered Financial Associate (International Association of Registered Financial Consultants) |
RFA | Request for Approach (various locations) |
RFA | Radio Frequency Allocation (US DoD) |
RFA | République Fédérale Allemande (French: Federal Republic of Germany) |
RFA | República Federal Alemana (Spanish: Federal Republic of Germany) |
RFA | Réseau Financement Alternatif (French: Alternative Financing Network; Belgium) |
RFA | Remote First Aid (UK training courses) |
RFA | Right Forearm |
RFA | Royal Fleet Auxiliary Service (UK Royal Navy) |
RFA | Request for Admission |
RFA | Request for Arbitration |
RFA | Reserve Forces Act |
RFA | Raised Floor Area (data center engineering) |
RFA | Right Femoral Artery |
RFA | Robin Fogarty & Associates (Chicago, IL) |
RFA | Restrictive Fire Area |
RFA | Request for Federal Assistance (form) |
RFA | Remote Feature Activation |
RFA | Request for Analysis |
RFA | Request for Appointment |
RFA | Regional Funding Allowance |
RFA | Responsible Fishing Alliance (various locations) |
RFA | Radio Frequency Authorization |
RFA | Restricted Fire Area |
RFA | Remote Function Actuation |
RFA | Regional Football Association (Ghana) |
RFA | Rectifier Failure Alarm (battery failure) |
RFA | Recency Frequency Amount (retail segmentation tool) |
RFA | Retired Firefighters Association |
RFA | Request for Final Approval |
RFA | Renormalized Free Atom |
RFA | Robust Fuel Assembly (nuclear power) |
RFA | Relieved From Assigned |
RFA | Recurrent Fault Analysis |
RFA | Recoverable Financial Aid |
RFA | Request For Alteration |
RFA | Reserved for Future Assignment |
RFA | Request Further Airways |
RFA | Rocky Flats Authorization (to ship) |
RFA | Remedial Facility Assessment |
RFA | Request For Architecture |