RFFResources For the Future
RFFReseau Ferre de France (French: Network Bottle Pincers of France)
RFFRéseau Ferré de France
RFFRecency Frequency Factor
RFFRaster File Format
RFFRegister File Format
RFFRepeat First Frame
RFFRepeat First Field
RFFRequired Form Feed
RFFRede Ferroviaria Federal (Brazilian railway)
RFFRelative Fundamental Frequency
RFFRight Foot Forward (Tae Kwan Do)
RFFRequest For Forces
RFFRainbow Film Festival (UK)
RFFRequest for Flexibility (Fulton County Schools; Atlanta, GA)
RFFRescue and Fire Fighting
RFFRotterdam Film Festival (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
RFFRaster File Format (graphics)
RFFReal Friends Forever
RFFRemote Fixed Facility (US Coast Guard)
RFFRoger Federer Foundation
RFFRequest for Feedback
RFFRefugee Film Festival (UNHCR)
RFFRun-From-Flash (Cisco)
RFFRyukyu Freight Forwarder (shipping; Japan)
RFFReason for Failure
RFFRequest for Feature
RFFRaised Face Flange
RFFRedwall Fan Fiction
RFFRequest For Flight
RFFRadio Frequency Finder
RFFReady For Ferry
RFFRescue Firefighter