CHPSCollaborative for High Performance Schools
CHPSCivilian Health Promotion Services (US Air Force)
CHPSCertified in Healthcare Privacy and Security
CHPSCenter for Health Policy Studies (healthcare consulting firm with offices in New York, Maryland, and Illinois)
CHPSCalifornia High Performance School
CHPSCombat Hybrid Power System
CHPSCenter for Health Policies and Services
CHPSCanadian Health Professionals Secretariat
CHPSChapel Hill Preservation Society (Chapel Hill, NC)
CHPSChiatech Password Security
CHPSCommunity Health Plan of the Siskiyous
CHPSCherry Hill Public Schools (New Jersey)
CHPSCommunity Health Planning Services
CHPSCommunity Health Promotion Specialist
CHPSCentre for Health, Psychology and Society
CHPSCoordination Humaniste des Professionnels de Santé
CHPSCoalition of Health Professions Students
CHPSCommercial Hardcopy Printing System
CHPSCritical History of Poetry Series
CHPSCampbell Hospital Proposed Strategy (Australia)