RIRRock in Rio (rock music festival)
RIRRichmond International Raceway
RIRRegional Internet Registry
RIRRhode Island Red (chicken)
RIRRelease Initiation Review
RIRRenault Industrie Roumanie
RIRRosebud Indian Reservation (South Dakota)
RIRRoyal Irish Regiment
RIRReduction In Recruitment
RIRResearch in Review (Pennsylvania Department of Corrections)
RIRRecordable Incident Rate (occupational safety statistic)
RIRRegulatory Impact Review (fishing)
RIRRecordable Injury Rate (workplace injuries)
RIRRoyal Irish Rifles
RIRReference Intensity Ratio
RIRRoom Impulse Response (acoustics)
RIRRemedial Investigation Report
RIRResponses to Information Requests
RIRRailway Interoperability Regulations (UK)
RIRRoth Investor Relations, Inc. (Manalapan, NJ)
RIRRange Instrumentation Radar
RIRReceiving Inspection Report
RIRRéseau Inter-Régional (French: Inter-Regional Network)
RIRRepatriation Information Report
RIRRelative Importance Rating (customer service issues)
RIRRefund Intercept Request
RIRRisk Identification Report
RIRRights and Interest Records
RIRReduction in Recordable
RIRRapid Information Retrieval
RIRResidual Impairment Ratio
RIRReadiness Improvement Review
RIRReportable Item Report (US NASA)
RIRRapid Incident Response