Acronym | Definition |
SERI | Samsung Economic Research Institute (South Korea) |
SERI | Special Education Resources on the Internet |
SERI | Solar Energy Research Institute (Golden, Colorado) |
SERI | Sustainable Europe Research Institute |
SERI | Schepens Eye Research Institute |
SERI | Singapore Eye Research Institute |
SERI | System Energy Resources, Inc. (Jackson, MS) |
SERI | Serological Research Institute |
SERI | Socio-Economic and Environmental Research Institute |
SERI | Sociedad Española de Rehabilitacion Infantil (Spanish) |
SERI | Social and Environmental Research Institute |
SERI | Socio-Economic Risk Indicator |
SERI | Shrishti Eco-Research Institute |
SERI | Société d'Encouragement pour la Recherche et l'Invention (French) |