SLLSuperLuigiLogan (series)
SLLSWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) Local Link
SLLSierra Leone Leone (national currency)
SLLState Library of Louisiana (Baton Rouge, LA)
SLLSandoval Lake Lodge (Peru)
SLLSmall Lymphocytic Lymphoma
SLLSeamless Link
SLLSick, Lame and Lazy (military slang)
SLLShift Left Logical
SLLSaving Londoners' Lives (London, UK)
SLLSingly Linked List (computer programming)
SLLSuomen Lukiolaisten Liitto Ry (Finnish: Union of Finnish Upper Secondary School Students)
SLLStop Look Listen
SLLSide-Lobe Level
SLLStandard Linear and Logic
SLLSingle-Loop Learning (learning within a paradigmatic context)
SLLSociedad Laboral Limitada
SLLService Language Layer (programming)
SLLStanford Learning Laboratory (Stanford University; Stanford, CA)
SLLSandia Laboratories Livermore
SLLStatically Linked Library
SLLStructured Lease Line
SLLSims: Livin' Large (game)
SLLSecondary Lobe Level
SLLSpecified Long-Term Load (voltage)
SLLScore Linked List