SASESelf-Addressed, Stamped Envelope
SASESelf Addressed Stamped Envelope
SASESpecial Application Service Element
SASESample Sequencing
SASESuper Adjustable Super Erecta (wire shelving)
SASESarajevo Stock Exchange (Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina)
SASESociety for the Advancement of Socio-Economics
SASESkoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship (Skoll Foundation)
SASESelf-Amplification of Spontaneous Emission (lasers)
SASESpecific Application Service Element
SASEStand Alone Synchronization Equipment
SASESafe and Secure Environment
SASESantiago Stock Exchange (Chile)
SASESelective Accelerated Salary Enhancement
SASEShuttle Atmospheric Science Experiment (US NASA)
SASEStudy Abroad and Student Exchange
SASESnow and Avalanche Studies Establishment
SASESpecial Application Service Elements
SASESubmarine Antenna System Engineering