SOSMAYDAY (logging abbreviation)
SOSSave Our Ship (distress call; common but incorrect)
SOSSibling Over Shoulder (chat)
SOS[not an acronym] a common misconception is that SOS means Save Our Ship/Souls (a distress call); the letters don't actually stand for anything
SOSSecretary Of State
SOSSound On Sound
SOSSomali Shilling (ISO currency code)
SOSStrength of Schedule (sports statistic)
SOSSense of Security
SOSSigns of Suicide (prevention program)
SOSSpeed of Sound
SOSState of the Science (conference)
SOSSiuslaw Outreach Services (Florence, OR)
SOSSwitched-On Schoolhouse (Alpha Omega Publications)
SOSSave Our Souls
SOSSocialstyrelsen (Sweden: national board of health and welfare)
SOSSuperintendent of Schools (various locations)
SOSSounds of Silence
SOSSon of Sam
SOSSchool of Spanish (Quest Language Studies)
SOSSauce on Side (culinary term)
SOSSex on Sunday
SOSSystem Of Systems
SOSSpecial Operations Squadron
SOSSilicon On Sapphire
SOSSounds of Subterrania
SOSSave Our Selves
SOSStop Only Sugar (nutrition)
SOSSkoop on Somebody (Japanese band)
SOSSink or Swim (Super Nintendo video game)
SOSSharing Our Stories
SOSSite of Struggle
SOSStudents of Sociology (various schools)
SOSSurvivor Outreach Services (US Army)
SOSSdruzeni Obrany Spotrebitelu (Czech: Consumers Defense Association)
SOSSame Old Song
SOSSon of Sardar (Bollywood comedy)
SOSShare Our Strength
SOSSupplies over Seas (Kentucky)
SOSSo Old School
SOSSave Outdoor Sculpture
SOSSome Other Solutions (Canada)
SOSSurvivors of Suicide
SOSScience of Sustainability
SOSSnake Oil Salesman
SOSSlower Older Smarter
SOSSinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome (hepatic injury)
SOSSon of Sevenless (enzyme involved in the signal transduction pathway)
SOSSame Old Story
SOSScrum of Scrums (software)
SOSSpørgsmål Og Svar (Danish)
SOSSafety of Seniors (various locations)
SOSSecond Order System
SOSShort on Storage
SOSSwitch on Screen
SOSSophisticated Operating System
SOSShared Object Space
SOSSecurity of Systems
SOSSco Online Support
SOSSystem Overclock Saver
SOSStreet Outreach Services (San Francisco Community Clinic Consortium)
SOSStart of Significance
SOSStressed Out Students
SOSSupport Open Source (project)
SOSSave Our State (various locations)
SOSShoot on Sight (gaming clan)
SOSShoot on Sight
SOSSecular Organizations for Sobriety (Council for Secular Humanism)
SOSShout Out Sunday
SOSSouth Okanagan-Similkameen (Canada)
SOSStandard Output Sensitivity (photography)
SOSService Opportunities for Students
SOSStructural Operational Semantics (computer science)
SOSSecure Overlay Services (computer architecture)
SOSScope of Services
SOSSea of Solutions (Vlaardingen, Netherlands)
SOSSygate Online Services
SOSSolid Oak Software
SOSSave Our Service (Scotland, UK)
SOSSummer of Sam (movie)
SOSSource Of Supply
SOSSack of Stuff (polite form)
SOSService Oriented Security (software)
SOSSame Old Stuff (polite form)
SOSSticks or Stones (anti-bully publication)
SOSSwedish Obese Subjects (study)
SOSScience of Spirituality
SOSSkeletons of Society (band)
SOSSurvival on Snow
SOSSignificant Other Support (various organizations)
SOSSending Out Signals (Garrison album)
SOSSummer of Service
SOSServices Of Supply (WWII)
SOSSource of Strength
SOSSheamus O'Shaunessy (professional wrestler)
SOSSquadron Officer School (USAF)
SOSSea of Shoes (blog)
SOSSave Our Wild Salmon
SOSShoe Outlet Store
SOSSupporting Our Soldiers
SOSStuck On Stupid
SOSSave Our School
SOSSoftware Operating System
SOSSociety of Singers
SOSSouthern Oxidants Study (North Carolina State University)
SOSSex on Stage (band)
SOSSamaritans of Singapore
SOSServices Operations Support (Presilient)
SOSService on Site
SOSScience of Survival
SOSSwamp of Sorrows (gaming, World of Warcraft)
SOSSave Our Saluda (environmental protection group; Marietta, SC)
SOSSave Our Situation
SOSShot on Sight (band)
SOSSign of Strength (Wyckoff trading theory)
SOSService over Self
SOSSave Our Sons
SOSScheduled Oil Sampling (Caterpillar Inc.)
SOSSave Our Sailors (Sailor Moon anime)
SOSSophisticated Operating System (Apple /// OS)
SOSSystem Operations Support
SOSSnowboard Outreach Society (Avon, Colorado, USA)
SOSStop OverSpending
SOSSave Our Society
SOSShare Operating System
SOSStatement Of Service
SOSSave Our Species
SOSSafeguard Old State (Pennsylvania State University)
SOSSpawn of Satan
SOSSave Our Skies
SOSSwitch off Something (government initiative; UK)
SOSSales Order System (software)
SOSSecond Order Statistics
SOSSociety of Stranders (shag/beach dancing group; Grand Strand, SC)
SOSSame 'ol Situation
SOSStrategic Outsourcing Solutions (various locations)
SOSStrawberry on the Shortcake
SOSSend Our Ships
SOSStation Ornithologique Suisse (French: Swiss Ornithological Station)
SOSStallion Oilfield Services (various locations)
SOSStudents for An Orwellian Society
SOSSave Our Sausages
SOSSon of Satan
SOSSons of Satan
SOSStamp Out Smoking
SOSSymbian Operating System
SOSSons of Silence (Motorcycle Club)
SOSScience of Speed
SOSSelf-Organized System
SOSSame Old Situation (Mötley Crüe song)
SOSSave Our Sonics (organization that tried to keep the Seattle Supersonics from leaving town)
SOSSpecial Operations School
SOSShakespeare Oxford Society (Yorktown Heights, NY)
SOSSomeone Stranded
SOSSave Our Shows (TV Guide)
SOSSafeguard Organic Standards
SOSSultan Of Swat (Babe Ruth)
SOSSpeed Of Service
SOSStruck Off Strength
SOSSave Our Stawberries
SOSScope of Supply
SOSStorm of Swords (George RR Martin book)
SOSSon of Stopgap
SOSSun or Shade (Dublin, OH)
SOSSpares Optimization System (maintenance)
SOSSave Our Skins (Cincinnati, OH)
SOSSend Out Succor (distress call, common but incorrect)
SOSService Oriented Software
SOSSkydivers Over Sixty (social club)
SOSSave Our Songbirds
SOSShoot on Site
SOSSurvival Optics Sunglasses
SOSSupport Operating System
SOSSwedish Optical Society (est. 1991)
SOSSupervisor of Shipbuilding
SOSSwitch on Shropshire (UK)
SOSSi Opus Sit (Latin: If Necessary; a prescription indication usually implies the drug is to be administered only once)
SOSSolution Oriented Services (India)
SOSSick of School
SOSSelf Opening Square (paper bag)
SOSSecure Ordering System
SOSStatement of Sensitivity
SOSService Optimization Solutions (software)
SOSSome One Special (chat)
SOSSons of Solomon
SOSSyndicated Office Systems
SOSSave Our Saucepans
SOSSons of Samoa (gang)
SOSSave Our School, Share Our Shores (Ontonagon County, MI)
SOSSymbolic Operating System
SOSScope of Studies
SOSSharpening Our Souls (Old River Baptist Church)
SOSState Operated Schools
SOSSub Ocean Safety (medical rescue of underwater divers)
SOSSource Off-Site
SOSStudent Online Support
SOSSalsa on Sundays
SOSSupply Our Students (Sioux Falls, SD)
SOSSmör Ost Och Sill (Butter, Cheese and Herring)
SOSSong of Solomon/Song of Songs
SOSStragglers Orienteering Society (UK)
SOSStuff On a Shingle (polite form; common military chow hall meal; meat/cream sauce served on toast)
SOSSword of Skardsen (Neopets)
SOSStandard Overnight Service (shipping)
SOSSecurity Overseas Seminar
SOSSpectrally Optimized Smart (Camera)
SOSSomeone Over Shoulder (chat)
SOSSkits Outreach Services (theatre troupe)
SOSSystem Operation Status (Sprint)
SOSSave Our Shoes (Santa Cruz, CA)
SOSSon of Superman
SOSSolar Optical Telescope
SOSSimple Office Solutions (Santa Rosa, CA)
SOSSlightly Off-Specification (analog-digital interface failure)
SOSStanding Order Service
SOSSoap on Steel (SOS Pads)
SOSStudent Organization Support
SOSSons Of Stalin (Quake gaming clan)
SOSSki or Snowboard Club (UC Davis)
SOSSave Our Shoreline, Inc. (Michigan)
SOSStudent Ombuds Service
SOSSkagway Outlet Store
SOSSenior Operations Specialist
SOSSarcoidosis Online Sites
SOSSurveillance of Space
SOSSend Out Someone
SOSStudent Outcome Survey
SOSSacramento Orchid Society (California)
SOSSociety for Ecological Sensibility
SOSStandards & Open Systems
SOSSecure Object Store (Lotus Notes database system)
SOSSave Our Survivors
SOSSend Out Service
SOSSumatra Orangutan Society
SOSSpeech Option Selection
SOSStars Organisation for Spastics
SOSSave Often Stupid
SOSSave Our Savannah
SOSStrategic Options Study (India)
SOSSmash on Site
SOSSarasota Orchid Society (Florida)
SOSSlop on a Shingle (chipped beef on toast; polite form)
SOSStory of Sadness (song)
SOSSpace Operations Simulator
SOSScoot Over Some
SOSSurveillance Operating System (Hekimian)
SOSStaff of Shielding (Everquest)
SOSSociety of Separationists, Inc.
SOSSea of Slime (publication)
SOSSpecial Order Sale
SOSSouthern Ohio Sanitation, LLC
SOSStrategic Operating System
SOSStart Out/Off Slow (driver's education)
SOSSoldiers of Satin (gaming clan)
SOSSpeed of the Shissar (Everquest)
SOSSingapore Organisation of Seaman
SOSSeek Our Savior
SOSSon of Samurai (band)
SOSSpirit of Selling GmbH (Hamburg, Germany)
SOSSave Our Sandwiches
SOSSensitizing Operation Sequence
SOSSave Our Submarine
SOSSink or Swing (band)
SOSSubscriber and Operator Services
SOSSignals Of Silence (band)
SOSSandia Office Supply
SOSSystem Operational Specification
SOSSpecial Operator Service Traffic
SOSSplit Option Soldier
SOSSupportability Online System
SOSSignificant Other Strike
SOSSPRINT Operations Shelter
SOSSprint Office Support (Sprint)
SOSStraight Off da Street
SOSServants of Shade (Halo gaming clan)
SOSShare of Shelf
SOSSon of Stick (fishing)
SOSStatus of Studies (US FEMA)
SOSStop Outsourcing Safety
SOSStrategic Office Support
SOSSpirit of Silverdale (Silverdale, WA)
SOSStart of Shipments
SOSSave or Sacrifice (bridge game)
SOSSupplementary Ophthalmic Service
SOSSuck Our Sacks
SOSSituation Objective Strategy
SOSSex on Sight
SOSSemantics, Opinion and Sentiment in Text (summer school)
SOSStretch or Starve