Acronym | Definition |
SOS | MAYDAY (logging abbreviation) |
SOS | Save Our Ship (distress call; common but incorrect) |
SOS | Sibling Over Shoulder (chat) |
SOS | [not an acronym] a common misconception is that SOS means Save Our Ship/Souls (a distress call); the letters don't actually stand for anything |
SOS | Secretary Of State |
SOS | Sound On Sound |
SOS | Somali Shilling (ISO currency code) |
SOS | Strength of Schedule (sports statistic) |
SOS | Sense of Security |
SOS | Signs of Suicide (prevention program) |
SOS | Speed of Sound |
SOS | State of the Science (conference) |
SOS | Siuslaw Outreach Services (Florence, OR) |
SOS | Switched-On Schoolhouse (Alpha Omega Publications) |
SOS | Save Our Souls |
SOS | Socialstyrelsen (Sweden: national board of health and welfare) |
SOS | Superintendent of Schools (various locations) |
SOS | Sounds of Silence |
SOS | Son of Sam |
SOS | School of Spanish (Quest Language Studies) |
SOS | Sauce on Side (culinary term) |
SOS | Sex on Sunday |
SOS | System Of Systems |
SOS | Special Operations Squadron |
SOS | Silicon On Sapphire |
SOS | Sounds of Subterrania |
SOS | Save Our Selves |
SOS | Stop Only Sugar (nutrition) |
SOS | Skoop on Somebody (Japanese band) |
SOS | Sink or Swim (Super Nintendo video game) |
SOS | Sharing Our Stories |
SOS | Site of Struggle |
SOS | Students of Sociology (various schools) |
SOS | Survivor Outreach Services (US Army) |
SOS | Sdruzeni Obrany Spotrebitelu (Czech: Consumers Defense Association) |
SOS | Same Old Song |
SOS | Son of Sardar (Bollywood comedy) |
SOS | Share Our Strength |
SOS | Supplies over Seas (Kentucky) |
SOS | So Old School |
SOS | Save Outdoor Sculpture |
SOS | Some Other Solutions (Canada) |
SOS | Survivors of Suicide |
SOS | Science of Sustainability |
SOS | Snake Oil Salesman |
SOS | Slower Older Smarter |
SOS | Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome (hepatic injury) |
SOS | Son of Sevenless (enzyme involved in the signal transduction pathway) |
SOS | Same Old Story |
SOS | Scrum of Scrums (software) |
SOS | Spørgsmål Og Svar (Danish) |
SOS | Safety of Seniors (various locations) |
SOS | Second Order System |
SOS | Short on Storage |
SOS | Switch on Screen |
SOS | Sophisticated Operating System |
SOS | Shared Object Space |
SOS | Security of Systems |
SOS | Sco Online Support |
SOS | System Overclock Saver |
SOS | Street Outreach Services (San Francisco Community Clinic Consortium) |
SOS | Start of Significance |
SOS | Stressed Out Students |
SOS | Support Open Source (project) |
SOS | Save Our State (various locations) |
SOS | Shoot on Sight (gaming clan) |
SOS | Shoot on Sight |
SOS | Secular Organizations for Sobriety (Council for Secular Humanism) |
SOS | Shout Out Sunday |
SOS | South Okanagan-Similkameen (Canada) |
SOS | Standard Output Sensitivity (photography) |
SOS | Service Opportunities for Students |
SOS | Structural Operational Semantics (computer science) |
SOS | Secure Overlay Services (computer architecture) |
SOS | Scope of Services |
SOS | Sea of Solutions (Vlaardingen, Netherlands) |
SOS | Sygate Online Services |
SOS | Solid Oak Software |
SOS | Save Our Service (Scotland, UK) |
SOS | Summer of Sam (movie) |
SOS | Source Of Supply |
SOS | Sack of Stuff (polite form) |
SOS | Service Oriented Security (software) |
SOS | Same Old Stuff (polite form) |
SOS | Sticks or Stones (anti-bully publication) |
SOS | Swedish Obese Subjects (study) |
SOS | Science of Spirituality |
SOS | Skeletons of Society (band) |
SOS | Survival on Snow |
SOS | Significant Other Support (various organizations) |
SOS | Sending Out Signals (Garrison album) |
SOS | Summer of Service |
SOS | Services Of Supply (WWII) |
SOS | Source of Strength |
SOS | Sheamus O'Shaunessy (professional wrestler) |
SOS | Squadron Officer School (USAF) |
SOS | Sea of Shoes (blog) |
SOS | Save Our Wild Salmon |
SOS | Shoe Outlet Store |
SOS | Supporting Our Soldiers |
SOS | Stuck On Stupid |
SOS | Save Our School |
SOS | Software Operating System |
SOS | Society of Singers |
SOS | Southern Oxidants Study (North Carolina State University) |
SOS | Sex on Stage (band) |
SOS | Samaritans of Singapore |
SOS | System-of-System |
SOS | Services Operations Support (Presilient) |
SOS | Service on Site |
SOS | Science of Survival |
SOS | Swamp of Sorrows (gaming, World of Warcraft) |
SOS | Save Our Saluda (environmental protection group; Marietta, SC) |
SOS | Save Our Situation |
SOS | Shot on Sight (band) |
SOS | Sign of Strength (Wyckoff trading theory) |
SOS | Service over Self |
SOS | Save Our Sons |
SOS | Scheduled Oil Sampling (Caterpillar Inc.) |
SOS | Save Our Sailors (Sailor Moon anime) |
SOS | Sophisticated Operating System (Apple /// OS) |
SOS | System Operations Support |
SOS | Snowboard Outreach Society (Avon, Colorado, USA) |
SOS | Stop OverSpending |
SOS | Save Our Society |
SOS | Share Operating System |
SOS | Statement Of Service |
SOS | Save Our Species |
SOS | Safeguard Old State (Pennsylvania State University) |
SOS | Spawn of Satan |
SOS | Save Our Skies |
SOS | Switch off Something (government initiative; UK) |
SOS | Sales Order System (software) |
SOS | Second Order Statistics |
SOS | Society of Stranders (shag/beach dancing group; Grand Strand, SC) |
SOS | Same 'ol Situation |
SOS | Strategic Outsourcing Solutions (various locations) |
SOS | Strawberry on the Shortcake |
SOS | Send Our Ships |
SOS | Station Ornithologique Suisse (French: Swiss Ornithological Station) |
SOS | Stallion Oilfield Services (various locations) |
SOS | Students for An Orwellian Society |
SOS | Save Our Sausages |
SOS | Son of Satan |
SOS | Sons of Satan |
SOS | Stamp Out Smoking |
SOS | Symbian Operating System |
SOS | Sons of Silence (Motorcycle Club) |
SOS | Science of Speed |
SOS | Self-Organized System |
SOS | Same Old Situation (Mötley Crüe song) |
SOS | Save Our Sonics (organization that tried to keep the Seattle Supersonics from leaving town) |
SOS | Special Operations School |
SOS | Shakespeare Oxford Society (Yorktown Heights, NY) |
SOS | Someone Stranded |
SOS | Save Our Shows (TV Guide) |
SOS | Safeguard Organic Standards |
SOS | Sultan Of Swat (Babe Ruth) |
SOS | Speed Of Service |
SOS | Struck Off Strength |
SOS | Save Our Stawberries |
SOS | Scope of Supply |
SOS | Storm of Swords (George RR Martin book) |
SOS | Son of Stopgap |
SOS | Sun or Shade (Dublin, OH) |
SOS | Spares Optimization System (maintenance) |
SOS | Save Our Skins (Cincinnati, OH) |
SOS | Send Out Succor (distress call, common but incorrect) |
SOS | Service Oriented Software |
SOS | Skydivers Over Sixty (social club) |
SOS | Save Our Songbirds |
SOS | Shoot on Site |
SOS | Survival Optics Sunglasses |
SOS | Support Operating System |
SOS | Swedish Optical Society (est. 1991) |
SOS | Supervisor of Shipbuilding |
SOS | Switch on Shropshire (UK) |
SOS | Si Opus Sit (Latin: If Necessary; a prescription indication usually implies the drug is to be administered only once) |
SOS | Solution Oriented Services (India) |
SOS | Sick of School |
SOS | Self Opening Square (paper bag) |
SOS | Secure Ordering System |
SOS | Statement of Sensitivity |
SOS | Service Optimization Solutions (software) |
SOS | Some One Special (chat) |
SOS | Sons of Solomon |
SOS | Syndicated Office Systems |
SOS | Save Our Saucepans |
SOS | Sons of Samoa (gang) |
SOS | Save Our School, Share Our Shores (Ontonagon County, MI) |
SOS | Symbolic Operating System |
SOS | Scope of Studies |
SOS | Sum-Of-Sinusoids |
SOS | Sharpening Our Souls (Old River Baptist Church) |
SOS | State Operated Schools |
SOS | Sub Ocean Safety (medical rescue of underwater divers) |
SOS | Source Off-Site |
SOS | Student Online Support |
SOS | Salsa on Sundays |
SOS | Supply Our Students (Sioux Falls, SD) |
SOS | Smör Ost Och Sill (Butter, Cheese and Herring) |
SOS | Song of Solomon/Song of Songs |
SOS | Stragglers Orienteering Society (UK) |
SOS | Stuff On a Shingle (polite form; common military chow hall meal; meat/cream sauce served on toast) |
SOS | Sword of Skardsen (Neopets) |
SOS | Standard Overnight Service (shipping) |
SOS | Security Overseas Seminar |
SOS | Spectrally Optimized Smart (Camera) |
SOS | Someone Over Shoulder (chat) |
SOS | Skits Outreach Services (theatre troupe) |
SOS | System Operation Status (Sprint) |
SOS | Save Our Shoes (Santa Cruz, CA) |
SOS | Son of Superman |
SOS | Solar Optical Telescope |
SOS | Simple Office Solutions (Santa Rosa, CA) |
SOS | Slightly Off-Specification (analog-digital interface failure) |
SOS | Standing Order Service |
SOS | Soap on Steel (SOS Pads) |
SOS | Student Organization Support |
SOS | Sons Of Stalin (Quake gaming clan) |
SOS | Ski or Snowboard Club (UC Davis) |
SOS | Save Our Shoreline, Inc. (Michigan) |
SOS | Student Ombuds Service |
SOS | Skagway Outlet Store |
SOS | Senior Operations Specialist |
SOS | Sarcoidosis Online Sites |
SOS | Surveillance of Space |
SOS | Send Out Someone |
SOS | Student Outcome Survey |
SOS | Sacramento Orchid Society (California) |
SOS | Society for Ecological Sensibility |
SOS | Standards & Open Systems |
SOS | Secure Object Store (Lotus Notes database system) |
SOS | Save Our Survivors |
SOS | Send Out Service |
SOS | Sumatra Orangutan Society |
SOS | Speech Option Selection |
SOS | Stars Organisation for Spastics |
SOS | Save Often Stupid |
SOS | Save Our Savannah |
SOS | Strategic Options Study (India) |
SOS | Smash on Site |
SOS | Sarasota Orchid Society (Florida) |
SOS | Slop on a Shingle (chipped beef on toast; polite form) |
SOS | Story of Sadness (song) |
SOS | Space Operations Simulator |
SOS | Scoot Over Some |
SOS | Surveillance Operating System (Hekimian) |
SOS | Staff of Shielding (Everquest) |
SOS | Society of Separationists, Inc. |
SOS | Sea of Slime (publication) |
SOS | Special Order Sale |
SOS | Southern Ohio Sanitation, LLC |
SOS | Strategic Operating System |
SOS | Start Out/Off Slow (driver's education) |
SOS | Soldiers of Satin (gaming clan) |
SOS | Strahl-On-Strahl |
SOS | Speed of the Shissar (Everquest) |
SOS | Singapore Organisation of Seaman |
SOS | Seek Our Savior |
SOS | Son of Samurai (band) |
SOS | Spirit of Selling GmbH (Hamburg, Germany) |
SOS | Save Our Sandwiches |
SOS | Sensitizing Operation Sequence |
SOS | Save Our Submarine |
SOS | Sink or Swing (band) |
SOS | Subscriber and Operator Services |
SOS | Signals Of Silence (band) |
SOS | Sandia Office Supply |
SOS | System Operational Specification |
SOS | Special Operator Service Traffic |
SOS | Split Option Soldier |
SOS | Supportability Online System |
SOS | Significant Other Strike |
SOS | SPRINT Operations Shelter |
SOS | Sprint Office Support (Sprint) |
SOS | Straight Off da Street |
SOS | Servants of Shade (Halo gaming clan) |
SOS | Share of Shelf |
SOS | Son of Stick (fishing) |
SOS | Status of Studies (US FEMA) |
SOS | Stop Outsourcing Safety |
SOS | Strategic Office Support |
SOS | Spirit of Silverdale (Silverdale, WA) |
SOS | Start of Shipments |
SOS | Save or Sacrifice (bridge game) |
SOS | Supplementary Ophthalmic Service |
SOS | Suck Our Sacks |
SOS | Situation Objective Strategy |
SOS | Sex on Sight |
SOS | Semantics, Opinion and Sentiment in Text (summer school) |
SOS | Stretch or Starve |