Acronym | Definition |
SGA | Student Government Association |
SGA | System Global Area (Oracle) |
SGA | Secrétaire Général Adjoint (French: Deputy Secretary General) |
SGA | Small for Gestational Age |
SGA | Stargate Atlantis (TV show) |
SGA | Substantial Gainful Activity (US SSA) |
SGA | State Government Affairs (various organizations) |
SGA | Supraglottic Airway (anesthesia) |
SGA | Sustainable Gardening Australia |
SGA | Shared Global Area |
SGA | Super Good Advice (gaming) |
SGA | Serious Games Association |
SGA | Swedish Game Awards (game development competition) |
SGA | Systematic Genetic Analysis |
SGA | Secrétariat Général pour l'Administration (French: General Secretariat for Administration) |
SGA | System Global Area |
SGA | Secure Gateway Appliance |
SGA | Start of Guarded Area |
SGA | Solder Grid Array |
SGA | Subjective Global Assessment |
SGA | Songwriters Guild of America |
SGA | Solicitation for Grant Applications |
SGA | State General Agent (American Income Life) |
SGA | Schweizerische gesellschaft für Automatik |
SGA | Southern Governors' Association |
SGA | Sigint Geospatial Analyst |
SGA | Seed Growers Association (various locations) |
SGA | Slavic Gospel Association (Loves Park, IL; est. 1934) |
SGA | Smart Growth America |
SGA | Second Generation Antipsychotic |
SGA | Sales of Goods Act (various locations) |
SGA | Sub-Global Assessment (network) |
SGA | Smart Growth Alliance (various locations) |
SGA | Sheila Greco Associates, LLC (Amsterdam, NY) |
SGA | Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits |
SGA | Small Group Activity |
SGA | Study Group Australia (various schools) |
SGA | Séminaire de Géométrie Algébrique (French: Algebraic Geometry Seminar) |
SGA | same-gender attraction |
SGA | Sea Grant Association (Sea Grant Program) |
SGA | Small Grant Application (various organizations) |
SGA | Standard Genetic Algorithm |
SGA | Society of Golf Appraisers |
SGA | Standard Gaussian Approximation |
SGA | Strategic Grant Agreement |
SGA | Swedish Greenkeepers Association |
SGA | Stadium Give Away |
SGA | Strain Gauge Analysis (engineering) |
SGA | Standard Galactic Alphabet (Commander Keen game) |
SGA | Stargate Alliance (gaming clans, Freelancer) |
SGA | Scottsdale Gallery Association |
SGA | Semester Grade Average |
SGA | Sales, General and Administration (cost of doing business; also seen as SG&A) |
SGA | Section on Great Apes (Primate Specialist Group; IUCN/SSC) |
SGA | Soul Glow Activatur (band) |
SGA | Sysops Guild Association |
SGA | Standards of Grade Authorization |
SGA | Samco Global Arms |
SGA | Sierpinski Gasket Antenna |
SGA | Set Group Address |
SGA | Social Gender Associate |
SGA | Schulgemeinschaftausschuß (German parent, teacher and student school committee) |
SGA | Steepest Gradient Algorithm |
SGA | Small Government Act of 2001 (Massachusetts) |
SGA | Soil Gas Analysis |
SGA | Stack Gas Analyzer |
SGA | Solderable Grid Array |