Acronym | Definition |
SOI | Statistics Of Income (IRS) |
SOI | Silicon-On-Insulator |
SOI | Southern Oscillation Index (see ENSO) |
SOI | Statement of Interest (various organizations) |
SOI | Shadow of Infinity (trading card game) |
SOI | Statement of Intent |
SOI | Start of Injection (engines) |
SOI | Sphere of Influence |
SOI | Stage of Involvement (software development) |
SOI | School Of Infantry |
SOI | Source of Information |
SOI | Spin-Orbit Interaction (physics) |
SOI | Solicitation of Interest (various locations) |
SOI | Societa Oftalmologica Italiana (Italian: Italian Society of Ophthalmology) |
SOI | Shadow of Israphael (web series) |
SOI | Structure of Intellect |
SOI | System on Insulator |
SOI | Service Oriented Infrastructure |
SOI | Small Outline I-Leaded Package |
SOI | Silicon on Insulator |
SOI | School of Informatics (various locations) |
SOI | Survey Of India |
SOI | Service-Oriented Integration |
SOI | Saturn Orbit Insertion |
SOI | Special Olympics Inc. |
SOI | Secretary of the Interior |
SOI | Sons of Iraq (Sunni tribal group; Iraq) |
SOI | Sick of It |
SOI | Solar Oscillations Investigation |
SOI | Single Opt-In (subscription process) |
SOI | Survey of Israel |
SOI | Sit On It |
SOI | Start of Image |
SOI | Shell Offshore, Inc. (Shell Exploration and Production Company) |
SOI | Signal Of Interest |
SOI | Signal Operating Instructions |
SOI | Severity of Illness (medical charting) |
SOI | Symphony Orchestra Institute (various locations) |
SOI | Sound of Inevitability (gaming guild) |
SOI | Semiconductor on Insulator |
SOI | Società Orticola Italiana (Italian Horticultural Society) |
SOI | State of Insanity |
SOI | Strategic Outsoucing Incorporated (Charlotte, NC) |
SOI | Space Object Identification |
SOI | Summary of Information |
SOI | Sum of Infeasibilities |
SOI | Supplier-Owned Inventory |
SOI | Spreading Odontogenic Infection (dentistry) |
SOI | Surgical Orthotopic Implantation |
SOI | Standard of Identity (bottled water labeling) |
SOI | Syrian Olympiad in Informatics (competition) |
SOI | Shadows of Isildur (game) |
SOI | Scamp Owners International |
SOI | Sensor of Interest |
SOI | Service Order Input |
SOI | Signal Operation Instruction(s) |
SOI | Sea of Insanity (webcomic) |
SOI | Standard Operating Instruction(s) |
SOI | Shares on Issue |
SOI | Standing Operating Instructions |
SOI | Standard Operator Interface |
SOI | State Oceanographic Institute of Roshydromet (Russia) |
SOI | Source of Impact |
SOI | Share of Ink (public-relations) |
SOI | Seen or Implied |
SOI | Syllabus of Instruction |
SOI | Seeds of Insanity (gamers clan) |
SOI | Statement of Operating Intent (Canada) |
SOI | Slipped on Ice (medical; cause of an accident) |
SOI | Solar Oscillations Imagery |
SOI | System Operating Instruction (how to operate One System, Nuclear Power) |
SOI | Store Operating Income |
SOI | Student Outreach Intern |
SOI | Security Operations Instructions |
SOI | Scripted OS (Operating System) Install (Symantec) |
SOI | Sales Office Identification |
SOI | Selected Opportunistic Infectious |
SOI | Spinscan Ozone Imager |
SOI | Supply Operating Instruction |
SOI | Standards Organisation of Iran |
SOI | Sustainment Operating Instruction (US Air Force) |
SOI | Switchboard Operating Instruction |