Acronym | Definition |
SIL | Summer Institute of Linguistics |
SIL | Silver |
SIL | Safety Integrity Level |
SIL | Silent |
SIL | Silence (logging abbreviation) |
SIL | Sister-In-Law |
SIL | Smithsonian Institution Libraries (Washington, DC) |
SIL | Statement in Lieu |
SIL | Son-In-Law |
SIL | Such Is Life |
SIL | Supported Independent Living (various locations) |
SIL | Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion |
SIL | Saregama India Ltd. (est. 1946) |
SIL | Signature in Lieu (California) |
SIL | Stated Income Loan (mortgages) |
SIL | Services International Limited (India) |
SIL | Software in the Loop |
SIL | Single in Line |
SIL | Shift Indicator Light |
SIL | Société Internationale de Linguistique |
SIL | Silicon Image |
SIL | Service Information Letter |
SIL | Single In-Line |
SIL | Sistema Informativo Lavoro (Italian: Work Information System; database) |
SIL | Societas Internationalis Limnologiae |
SIL | Solid Immersion Lens |
SIL | Self-Injection Locked (physics) |
SIL | Service Integration Leader (IBM) |
SIL | Services for Independent Living |
SIL | So in Love |
SIL | System Integration Laboratory |
SIL | Sound Intensity Level |
SIL | Sharp India Limited (India) |
SIL | Speech Interference Level |
SIL | Sing It Loud (band) |
SIL | Special Import License |
SIL | Standard Interchange Language |
SIL | Sound Interference Level |
SIL | Sleeping in Light (Babylon 5 TV series final episode) |
SIL | South Island Line (Hong Kong) |
SIL | Space Innovations Limited |
SIL | Surge Impedance Loading |
SIL | Self Instruction Lab |
SIL | Siemianowicka Inicjatywa Libertarianska (Polish: Libertarian Siemianowicka Initiative) |
SIL | Software Integration Laboratory |
SIL | Système d'Information Sur La Législation (French: System of Information on Legislation; Switzerland) |
SIL | Survivability Integration Laboratory |
SIL | Software-in-Loop (application) |
SIL | Simon India Limited (New Delhi, India) |
SIL | Simulation Integration Laboratory |
SIL | Strategic Industrial Location |
SIL | Storhamar Idrettslag |
SIL | Seriously Ill List |
SIL | Semiconductor Injection Laser |
SIL | Selected Item List |