Acronym | Definition |
RTCC | Responding to Climate Change |
RTCC | Real-Time Computer Center (US NASA) |
RTCC | Real Time Crime Center (New York City Police Department) |
RTCC | Regional Transit Coordinating Council |
RTCC | Research and Technology Coordinating Committee |
RTCC | Real-Time Computer Complex |
RTCC | Ride to Conquer Cancer (bicycle race) |
RTCC | Rough Terrain Container Crane |
RTCC | Ralphola Taylor Community Center (YMCA; Bridgeport, CT) |
RTCC | Report to Crown Counsel (report from police to the Canadian Crown Prosecuter) |
RTCC | Reilly Tar and Chemical Corporation |
RTCC | Remote Tap Changer Cubicle |
RTCC | Real Time Call Control |
RTCC | Radar Terrain Clearance Chart |
RTCC | Remote Transfer-Controlled Control (ITU-T) |
RTCC | Real Time Clock and Calender |
RTCC | Real-Time Concurrent Constraint (computer science) |