RTERich Text Editor
RTERecep Tayyip Erdogan (Prime Minister of Turkey)
RTEReady To Eat
RTERight to Education (various locations)
RTERun-the-Engine (costs)
RTERight of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act (India)
RTERadiative Transfer Equation
RTERelease Train Engineer (various companies)
RTERadio Telefis Eireann (Ireland TV)
RTERide to Eat (Motorcycle clubs)
RTERuntime Environment
RTEReal-Time Ethernet
RTERecognizing Textual Entailment (natural language processing)
RTEReal Time Encoder
RTEReal Time Editing
RTERun Time Environment
RTERound Trip Engineering
RTERemote Terminal Emulation
RTEReal Time Extension
RTEReal Time Execution
RTEReal Time Environment
RTEReal-Time Enterprise
RTERenal Tubular Epithelial (antigens)
RTEReal Time Executive (older HP operating system)
RTEReverse Tuck End (packaging)
RTERun Time Error
RTEReseau de Transport de l'Electricite (French electricity grid)
RTEReal Time Extensions
RTERoyal Thai Embassy
RTERight to Enfranchise (UK)
RTERequest to Exit (access control systems)
RTERegional Traffic Engineer (various locations)
RTEReal-Time Entry
RTEReti Transeuropee
RTERun Time Engine
RTEReal Time Enrollment
RTERare Threatened or Endangered
RTEReal Time Engagement (product engagement metric)
RTERed Trail Energy (Richardton, ND)
RTERenault Technical Expert (UK)
RTERadar Target Enhancer (radio navigation)
RTEReal Time Export
RTEResponsible Test Engineer (US NASA)
RTEReal Time Economy
RTERun Time Efficiency
RTEReusable Text Entities
RTEResident Training Equipment
RTERemote Terminal Emulator/Equipment
RTEReduced to Equator (magnetics)