Acronym | Definition |
SEAS | School of Engineering and Applied Science |
SEAS | Simvastatin and Ezetimibe in Aortic Stenosis (cardiology study) |
SEAS | Solaris Easy Access Server |
SEAS | Space Energy Access Systems Inc |
SEAS | Software Engineering for Automotive Systems (workshop) |
SEAS | Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulation (Simulex) |
SEAS | Solar Energy Association of Sweden (Swedish: Svenska solenergiföreningen) |
SEAS | St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School (Anchorage, Alaska) |
SEAS | Strategic Environmental Assessment System |
SEAS | Structured Evidential Argumentation System (SRI Artificial Intelligence Center research project) |
SEAS | Students for Environmental Action At Stanford |
SEAS | System Effectiveness Analysis Simulation |
SEAS | Scandinavian Electro Acoustic Systems (Norwegian loudspeaker manufacturer) |
SEAS | Systems Engineering and Analysis Support |
SEAS | Surveillance Environmental Acoustic Support |
SEAS | Shipboard Environmental Data Acquisition Systems |
SEAS | Société Européenne d'Alliages pour la Sidérurgie (French ferro-alloy producer) |
SEAS | Software Engineering and Assessment Services |
SEAS | Schreck Environmental Awareness Society, Corp. |
SEAS | Student Engineering Advisement System (University of New Orleans) |
SEAS | Ship/Equipment/Alterations Summary |
SEAS | Supply Effectiveness Audit Summary |
SEAS | Selective Armament Subsystem |
SEAS | Signaling System Engineering and Administration System |
SEAS | Selected Effects Armament System |
SEAS | Selected Ammunition Study |
SEAS | Support Equipment Avionics System |
SEAS | Students Engaged in Aquatic Studies (marine biology club; Catholic Memorial High School; Wisconsin) |
SEAS | System Enhancement And Support |