Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.
Acronym | Definition |
SPADE | Statistical Packet Anomaly Detection Engine |
SPADE | Stratospheric Photochemistry, Aerosols and Dynamics Expedition (NASA aircraft campaign, Ames Research Center, California, USA) |
SPADE | Spatialization and Auditory Display Environment (Ireland) |
SPADE | Single channel per carrier PCM multiple Access Demand assignment Equipment (ITU-T) |
SPADE | Society for Promotion of Appropriate Development Efforts (India) |
SPADE | Sparta Acquisition Digital Equipment |
SPADE | Solar and Polaris Azimuth Determination |
SPADE | Small Portable Analyzer Diagnostic Equipment |
SPADE | Spare Parts Analysis, Documentation & Evaluation |
SPADE | Settable Pneumatic Altitude Detection |
SPADE | Simulated Penetrated Air Defense Exercise |
SPADE | Signal Processor and Display Equipment |