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SPADEStatistical Packet Anomaly Detection Engine
SPADEStratospheric Photochemistry, Aerosols and Dynamics Expedition (NASA aircraft campaign, Ames Research Center, California, USA)
SPADESpatialization and Auditory Display Environment (Ireland)
SPADESingle channel per carrier PCM multiple Access Demand assignment Equipment (ITU-T)
SPADESociety for Promotion of Appropriate Development Efforts (India)
SPADESparta Acquisition Digital Equipment
SPADESolar and Polaris Azimuth Determination
SPADESmall Portable Analyzer Diagnostic Equipment
SPADESpare Parts Analysis, Documentation & Evaluation
SPADESettable Pneumatic Altitude Detection
SPADESimulated Penetrated Air Defense Exercise
SPADESignal Processor and Display Equipment