SPAMSpiced Ham (Hormel canned pork developed in 1937)
SPAM[not an acronym] written spam -- slang name for Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE; junk/bulk email)
SPAMSuperfluous Pieces of Additional Mail
SPAMSpiced Ham
SPAMStuff Posing as Meat
SPAMSeven Party Alliance and the Maoists (Nepal)
SPAMState Police Association of Massachusetts
SPAMStop Pornography and Abusive Marketing Act
SPAMSomething Posing as Mail
SPAMStupid, Pointless Annoying Message (folk etymology)
SPAMSpace Planning and Management (University of Missouri - Columbia)
SPAMSolar Powered Area Monitor
SPAMSuper Processed Artificial Meat
SPAMScientifically Processed Animal Matter
SPAMSelf Protection Analysis Model
SPAMSpecially Prepared American Meat (folk etymology)
SPAMSociety for the Publication of American Music
SPAMService Provisioning and Account Management
SPAMSurvey Processing and Management
SPAMSpectral Processing and Manipulation (Ocean Optics)
SPAMSociety of Properties Artisan Managers
SPAMSearch Pattern Assessment Model
SPAMSchools of the Pacific Atmospheric Monitoring
SPAMSystems Personnel Activity Meeting (Yale)
SPAMSociety for the Preservation of Amplitude Modulation
SPAMShelter, Portable, Air Mobile
SPAMShelter, Protective, Aircraft Maintenance
SPAMSGML Parser Add Markup
SPAMSome Place Around Montana / Missouri / Massachusetts / Mississippi / Maine :-)
SPAMScanning Photo-Acoustic Microscopy
SPAMStrike Package and Associated Messages (tactical Tomahawk weapon control system)
SPAMSlant Path Attenuation Model (antennas)
SPAMSinging Produces Awesome Miracles (Lansing, MI school choir)
SPAMSociety for Palmtop Advancement through Meetings (San Francisco, CA)
SPAMStudent Peer Abstinence Movement (Montana)
SPAMShoulder of Pork & Ham (Hormel canned pork developed in 1937)