Acronym | Definition |
TZ | Tanzania (Including Zanzibar & Pembais) |
TZ | Time Zone |
TZ | Twilight Zone (TV show) |
TZ | Teilzeit (German: Part Time) |
TZ | Travel Zippy (travel website) |
TZ | Tageszeitung (Munich boulevard newspaper) |
TZ | Time Zero (game) |
TZ | Target Zone |
TZ | Transformation Zone |
TZ | Type Zero (plus a sequence number; denotes an alteration with locally procured parts) |
TZ | Training Zone |
TZ | Treatment Zone |
TZ | Teilzeichnung (German: Drawing of Part) |
TZ | Tekken Zaibatsu (game) |
TZ | Tactical Zone |
TZ | Transmission Zero |
TZ | ToTaL KonFuZioN (gaming clan) |
TZ | Tuberculin Zymopastiche |