SNPASecuring Networks with PIX and ASA
SNPASouthern Newspaper Publishers Association
SNPASubnetwork Point of Attachment
SNPASierra Nevada Pale Ale (Sierra Nevada Brewing Co)
SNPASociété Nationale des Pétroles d'Aquitaine (French: National Oil Company of Aquitaine; France)
SNPAScottish Newspaper Publishers Association
SNPASubstantial New Programme of Action
SNPAShenandoah National Park Association
SNPASyndicat National des Prestataires de Services d'Accueil (French: National Association of Home Service Providers)
SNPASyndicat National des Plastiques Alvéolaires (French: National Union of Foamed Plastics)
SNPASyndicat National des Exploitants de Centres de Pilotage Automobile (French: National Union of Automobile Driving Center Operators)
SNPASociété Normande de Protection Aux Animaux (France: Norman Society of Animal Protection)
SNPASports Nautiques et de Plein Air (French: Outdoor and Water Sports)