SNRSignal-to-Noise Ratio
SNRSeiner (Dutch)
SNRSchool of Natural Resources
SNRSamburu National Reserve (Kenya)
SNRSerial Number
SNRSequence Number Reset
SNRSignal to Noise Ratio
SNRServer Not Responding
SNRSingle Number Reach
SNRSub National Review
SNRSporting News Radio
SNRShell Nederland Raffinaderij (Dutch: Shell Netherlands Refinery)
SNRSingle Number Rating (EU noise diffusion measurement)
SNRSociety of Nautical Research (est. 1908)
SNRSafety Net Review (Australia)
SNRSenior National Representative
SNRSenior Gamers (gaming community)
SNRSuper Nova Remnant
SNRShady Ninja Racing (forum)
SNRSaved Number Redial
SNRStartup Notification Report
SNRSporting Nazairien Rugby (French rugby club)
SNRSupplier Nonconformance Report
SNRSociété Nouvelle de Rectification (French industrial motor repair company)
SNRSyndicat National des Radiesthésistes (French: National Union of Dowsers)
SNRSubject to Non-Renewal
SNRSkilled Nursing and Rehabilitation
SNRStochastic Noise Reaction (gradient method for minimization of arbitrary functions)
SNRSignature Not Required
SNRSenior NAVOCEANO Representative (US Navy)
SNRS-Type Noise Reduction (Dolby cassette technology)
SNRSunflour Railroad Incorporated
SNRSub-Net Relay