Acronym | Definition |
SDB | Salle de Bains (French: bathroom) |
SDB | Small Disadvantaged Business |
SDB | Sleep-Disordered Breathing |
SDB | Small Diameter Bomb |
SDB | Sub Distribution Board (electrical engineering) |
SDB | Star Dancers Ballet (Tokyo, Japan) |
SDB | Seventh Day Baptist (est. 1671) |
SDB | Salesians of Don Bosco (religious order) |
SDB | Site Definition Block |
SDB | Synchronous Data Base |
SDB | Simplified Data Base |
SDB | Spectral Data Base |
SDB | Sound Data Base |
SDB | Super Data Base |
SDB | Symbolic Debugger |
SDB | Shared Data Base |
SDB | Standby Data Base |
SDB | Society for Developmental Biology |
SDB | Safety Deposit Box |
SDB | Shim Database (Microsoft) |
SDB | Self-Directed Brokerage (investment account) |
SDB | San Diego Ballet (San Diego, CA) |
SDB | Savino del Bene (Italian logistics company) |
SDB | Sustainable Development Bill (various locations) |
SDB | Steel Drum Band |
SDB | Syndicat des Biologistes (French: Union of Biologists) |
SDB | Service Dress Blue (Naval Uniform) |
SDB | Starship Design Bureau (science fiction) |
SDB | System Defense Boat (generic starship type; SFRPG Traveller) |
SDB | Sumidenso do Brasil Industrias Eletricas Ltda. (Portuguese: Sumidenso Electrical Industries of Brazil) |
SDB | Selective Directed Broadcast |
SDB | Switched Digital Broadcast |
SDB | Support Data Base |
SDB | Sprite Database |
SDB | Self-Defeating Behavior |
SDB | Short Data Burst |
SDB | SATCOM (Satellite Communications) Database (US DoD) |
SDB | Standards Development Board |
SDB | Service Directive Bulletin |
SDB | Serial Data Bus |
SDB | Software Development Block (Infosys Technologies, Ltd.) |
SDB | System Determined Blocksize (IBM mainframes) |
SDB | Service Delivery Budget |
SDB | Switched Digital Broadband |
SDB | Sydney Dragon Blades |
SDB | Small Dual Beam (electron microscope) |
SDB | Simply da Best (gmaing clan) |
SDB | Shallow Draft Barge (marine transport) |
SDB | Storage and Data Brokering |
SDB | Skill Development Base |
SDB | Stefano de Blasio (kitchen retailer) |
SDB | Systems Definition Branch |
SDB | Speed Differential Blank |
SDB | Self-Dual Binary (code) |
SDB | Systems Design Board |
SDB | Shallow Draft Board (US NASA) |
SDB | Statistics Display Board |
SDB | Strategic Direction Board |
SDB | Secondary Data Bus |
SDB | Sales Development Budget |
SDB | Sarvodaya Development Bank (Sri Lanka) |
SDB | Storfedatabank |