Acronym | Definition |
SEDA | Staff and Educational Development Association |
SEDA | Social and Economic Data Analysis |
SEDA | South East Drift Association |
SEDA | Staged Event Driven Architecture |
SEDA | Savannah Economic Development Authority (Georgia) |
SEDA | Sustainable Energy Development Authority (Australia) |
SEDA | Shoals Economic Development Authority |
SEDA | Staged Event-Driven Architecture |
SEDA | Small Enterprise Development Agency (Mwanza, Tanzania) |
SEDA | Scottish Ecological Design Association (UK) |
SEDA | Safety Equipment Distributors Association |
SEDA | Seeing Eye Dogs Australia |
SEDA | South Eastern Discotheque Association (UK) |
SEDA | Seacoast Esthetic Dentistry Association |
SEDA | Saskatchewan Economic Developers Association (Canada) |
SEDA | Sitka Economic Development Association (Alaska) |
SEDA | Susquehanna Economic Development Association (Lewisburg, PA) |
SEDA | Saskatchewan Elocution and Debate Association (Canada) |
SEDA | Sustainable Energy Development Agency (Australia) |
SEDA | Space Environment Data Acquisition |
SEDA | Stand Establishment Decision Aid |
SEDA | Southside Economic Development Association |
SEDA | Structured Exploratory Data Analysis |
SEDA | Selam Environmental Development Association |
SEDA | Seismic Exploration of the Deep Altiplano |
SEDA | Sandzak Economic Development Agency |
SEDA | Southern Eventing and Dressage Association (formerly Louisiana/Mississippi Dressage and Combined Training Association) |
SEDA | Sunnyside Economic Development Association (Washington) |
SEDA | South East Desalting Association |
SEDA | System Engineering and Design Automation |
SEDA | Southern Equipment Dealers Association (Dublin, GA) |
SEDA | Special Ed Assistant |
SEDA | Springfield Economic Development Agency |
SEDA | Sudan Education and Development Agency |
SEDA | Secondary Electron Detector Assembly |
SEDA | Fundashon Sentro di Dama (Papiamento: Center for Women; Netherlands Antilles) |
SEDA | Skills and Enterprise Development Academy (Ireland and UK) |
SEDA | Center of Small Enterprise Development Assistance (Vietnam microfinance) |
SEDA | Safe Escape Delivery Application |