Acronym | Definition |
SCAM | SCSI Configuration Automatically |
SCAM | Société Civile des Auteurs Multimédia (France: Civil Society of Multimedia Authors) |
SCAM | Scsi Configured Automatically |
SCAM | System for Content or Article Management |
SCAM | Sample Cartridge Automatic Exchange Mechanism |
SCAM | Scsi Configuration Automation Method |
SCAM | Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (IEEE International Workshop) |
SCAM | so-Called Alternative Medicine |
SCAM | substituted-cysteine-accessibility method |
SCAM | South Carolina Association of Magicians |
SCAM | Superconducting camera |
SCAM | Standard Content Archive Management |
SCAM | Supreme Court and the Attitudinal Model |
SCAM | Suffolk College Alternative Music (radio station; UK) |
SCAM | Surveillance Control Alarm Maintenance |
SCAM | Scanning and Alarm Monitoring |
SCAM | Spare Capacity Assignment Model |
SCAM | Structural Composite Armor Materials |
SCAM | Simple Cordless Alpha Monitor |
SCAM | State Coordination Management Council |
SCAM | Stingy about giving out personal information, Check your financial information regularly, Ask periodically for a copy of your credit report, Maintain careful records of your banking and financial accounts (mnemonic to avoid identity theft) |