SEEDStrategic Entrepreneurial Economic Development (Minnesota initiative)
SEEDSchlumberger Excellence in Educational Development (school association)
SEEDStudy to Explore Early Development (epidemiologic study)
SEEDScottish Executive Education Department
SEEDSupport for East European Democracy
SEEDSoutheast Europe Enterprise Development
SEEDSustainable Energy for Economic Development
SEEDSystem for the Exchange of Excise Data (UK)
SEEDSocial, Economic and Environmental Development (UK)
SEEDSustainable Education Every Day (eco-conscious education)
SEEDStandard for the Exchange of Earthquake Data
SEEDSchool for Educational Evolution and Development (Washington, DC, USA)
SEEDSERDP Exploratory Development
SEEDSummer Educational Experience for the Disadvantaged (outreach program of the American Chemical Society)
SEEDSuperior Evolutionary Element Destined-Factor (Gundam Seed animation)
SEEDSoftware Environment to Support the Early Phases in Building Design
SEEDStudents Educating Each Other About Discrimination
SEEDSuper Effective and Efficient Delivery
SEEDSoftware Engineering for Educational Development Program
SEEDSelf-Electro-optical Effect Device
SEEDSupplemental Emergency Escape Device (US Navy)
SEEDSpectrum E-Services E-Commerce Delivery (Canada)
SEEDSupport Equipment Engineering Department
SEEDSprint Employees Embellishing Diversity
SEEDSwedish Enterprise Education (Stockholm, Sweden)