USGUniversity System of Georgia
USGUndergraduate Student Government
USGUnited States Government
USGUnited States Gypsum
USGUnified Security Gateway (computing)
USGUnder Secretary General
USGUniversal Security Group
USGUser Support Group
USGUnhealthy for Sensitive Groups (air quality index)
USGUlysses S. Grant (president and general)
USGUrine Specific Gravity
USGUnix Support Group
USGUtrecht School of Governance (Netherlands)
USGUNIX Security Guards (hacker group)
USGUnited States Gulf (of Mexico)
USGUndoped Silicate Glass
USGUnited States Gallon
USGUniversal Security Group (Microsoft)
USGUnix Security Guard (pro-Islamic hacking group)
USGUrea Supergranule
USGUrban Social Geography
USGUnión Solidarista Guatemalteca (Guatemalan Solidarity Union)
USGUnited States Gauge (Sprint)
USGUniversities of Shady Grove (Maryland)
USGl'Union Socialiste de Gabonaise (Gabonese Socialist Union; political party)
USGUtilities Solutions Group
USGUndoped Silica Glass