Acronym | Definition |
SIP | Session Initiation Protocol |
SIP | Single Inline Package |
SIP | Savings Investment Plan |
SIP | Serial Interface Protocol |
SIP | System(s) Integration Plan |
SIP | System(s) Implementation Plan |
SIP | State Implementation Plan (EPA) |
SIP | Structural Insulated Panel (construction) |
SIP | School Improvement Plan |
SIP | Systematic Investment Plan (finance) |
SIP | Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa (Spanish: Inter-American Press Association; Miami, FL) |
SIP | Special Interest Project (various organizations) |
SIP | System in a Package |
SIP | System Integrity Protection (security) |
SIP | School Improvement Partner (UK) |
SIP | System Informacji Przestrzennej (Polish: Spatial Information System) |
SIP | Spanish, Italian and Portuguese (various schools) |
SIP | Share Incentive Plan |
SIP | Summer Internship Program |
SIP | Second Intermediate Period |
SIP | Science in Parliament (various locations) |
SIP | Stay-In-Place (engineering construction) |
SIP | System Idle Process (computing) |
SIP | Software in Partnership (est. 2002) |
SIP | Suzhou Industrial Park (Suzhou, China) |
SIP | Software India Pvt. Ltd. |
SIP | Still in Progress |
SIP | Sickness Impact Profile |
SIP | Scsi Interlocked Protocol |
SIP | Spa Interface Processor |
SIP | System in Package |
SIP | Supplementary Input Panel |
SIP | Signal Image Processing |
SIP | Session Internet Protocol |
SIP | System Initialization Program |
SIP | Source Ip |
SIP | Special Interest Publication |
SIP | Serial Interface Processor |
SIP | System Idle Process |
SIP | Simple Ip |
SIP | Single Inline Processor |
SIP | Signaling Point |
SIP | Swords into Plowshares |
SIP | Science Internship Program (University of California, Santa Cruz) |
SIP | Sterilization in Place (drug/medicine production) |
SIP | Spanish Immersion Program (education) |
SIP | Soft Input Panel |
SIP | Steam in Place |
SIP | Silicon Intellectual Property |
SIP | School Improvement Partner (UK education) |
SIP | Surgical Infection Prevention |
SIP | Seat Index Point |
SIP | SPA Interface Processor (Cisco) |
SIP | Safety Improvement Plan (various organizations) |
SIP | Station Information Profile (radio) |
SIP | SMDS Interface Protocol |
SIP | Shelter In Place |
SIP | Special Interest Publication (publishing) |
SIP | Strategic Investment Program (Australian government) |
SIP | Social Integration and Participation (various organizations) |
SIP | Submission Information Package |
SIP | Society for Invertebrate Pathology (Knoxville, TN) |
SIP | Semiconductor Intellectual Property |
SIP | Service Information Portal (software) |
SIP | Single Inline Package (semiconductor industry) |
SIP | Simple Internet Protocol |
SIP | Social Inclusion Partnership |
SIP | Stochastic Integer Programming |
SIP | Stable-Isotope Probing |
SIP | System Improvement Plan |
SIP | Social Information Processing |
SIP | State Industrial Products |
SIP | Service Improvement Program |
SIP | Shelter Implementation Plan |
SIP | Signal Input Port |
SIP | System Improvement Program (SINCGARS) |
SIP | Strategic Implementation Planning (various organizations) |
SIP | System Improvement Program |
SIP | Signal/Image Processing |
SIP | Secure Internet Programming (Princeton University) |
SIP | Stickler Involved People |
SIP | Sabic Innovative Plastics |
SIP | Scale Irrigation Project (various organizations) |
SIP | School Intervention Program (various schools) |
SIP | Società Italiana di Psichiatria |
SIP | Sociedad Interamericana de Psicologia |
SIP | Sustainable Industrial Production |
SIP | Seasonal to Interannual Prediction (World Meteorological Organization) |
SIP | Sindicato de Industriales de Panama (Spanish: Panamanian Industrialists Society, Panama) |
SIP | Structured Investment Product |
SIP | Session Invitation Protocol (Internet conferencing, telephony) |
SIP | Schools Integration Project |
SIP | Strongly Implicit Procedure |
SIP | Software Installation Plan |
SIP | Student Internship Programme |
SIP | Strategic Inflection Point |
SIP | Self-Inspection Program |
SIP | Standard Interchange Protocol (3M delevolped data transfer protocol for library systems.) |
SIP | State Implementation Program |
SIP | Surf in Peace |
SIP | Server Interface Pod (Dell/Avocent) |
SIP | Scientific Instrument Package (gaming) |
SIP | Sales Incentive Plan |
SIP | Sosyalist Iktidar Partisi (Party of Socialist Power; now Türkiye Komünist Partisi) |
SIP | System Implementation Plan |
SIP | Streamlined Inspection Program |
SIP | Shut-In Pressure |
SIP | Statistical Inference Package (mathematics) |
SIP | Standard Inspection Procedure |
SIP | Shareholder Investment Program (various companies) |
SIP | Service Implementation Plan |
SIP | Simferopol, Ukraine - Simferopol (Airport Code) |
SIP | Sector Investment Programmes |
SIP | Società Idroelettrica Piemonte |
SIP | Ship In Place |
SIP | Serial Interface Processor (Cisco) |
SIP | Structural Integrity Program |
SIP | Standardization Instructor Pilot |
SIP | Sooner If Possible (Similar to ASAP) |
SIP | Southern Independence Party |
SIP | Space Interferometry Mission |
SIP | Safer Internet Plan (various organizations) |
SIP | Structural Improvement Program (various organizations) |
SIP | Statistically Improbable Phrase ( |
SIP | Symbolic Input Program |
SIP | Spontaneous Intestinal Perforation (newborn condition) |
SIP | Site Implementation Plan |
SIP | SINCGARS Improvement Program |
SIP | Single Integrated Picture |
SIP | Staff Inspection Program (US Army) |
SIP | Separation Incentive Pay |
SIP | System Integration Plan |
SIP | Senior Inspector of Police |
SIP | Strain Isolation Pad |
SIP | Security Investment Program |
SIP | Standard Interface Panel |
SIP | Simulated Input Processor |
SIP | SCSI Interlock Protocol |
SIP | Statewide Implementation Program |
SIP | Stay in Prayer |
SIP | Sulfoisophthalate |
SIP | Software Integration Plan |
SIP | System Initialization Table |
SIP | Support Information Package (USAP) |
SIP | Société Interaméricaine de La Presse (French: Inter American Press Society) |
SIP | Soul Influenced Product (nightclub in Geneva, Switzerland) |
SIP | Special Investigative Panel |
SIP | Sprint Internet Passport |
SIP | Safety Implementation Plan |
SIP | Station Independence Program (PBS) |
SIP | Soft Intellectual Property (integrated circuit designs) |
SIP | Software Improvement Program |
SIP | Satellite Interceptor Program |
SIP | Segment Interface Protocol |
SIP | Stationary Inflection Point |
SIP | Smart Installment Plan (Citibank, Pakistan) |
SIP | Semporna Islands Park (Malaysia) |
SIP | Station Information Packet |
SIP | Stability Improvement Program |
SIP | Scanner Interface Processor |
SIP | Systems Integration Panel |
SIP | SOGS Invocable Procedure |
SIP | Stop Internet Plagiarism |
SIP | Systems Infrastructure Project |
SIP | Standard Initial Provisioning |
SIP | Stochastic Information Packet |
SIP | States Inventory Project |
SIP | Scientific Investigations Plan |
SIP | Satellite Image Processor |
SIP | Self-Igniting Phosphorus |
SIP | Shield Isolation Point |
SIP | Shuttle Interface Panel |
SIP | SACLANT Intelligence Plan |
SIP | Ship Instrumentation Package (US Navy) |
SIP | Signal Inline Package |
SIP | Seniors Info Plus |
SIP | SMDC Interface Protocol |
SIP | System Implementation Posture (system documentation) |
SIP | Site Investigation Planning |
SIP | Synchronized Interleaved Polling (Sprint) |
SIP | Step Increase Program |
SIP | Site Information Processor |
SIP | Systems Intelligence Products Co., Ltd (Japan) |
SIP | Substituent Interaction Parameter |
SIP | Small Inverse Problem |
SIP | Subsystem Implementation Plan |
SIP | Status Indicator Panel |
SIP | System/Ship Improvement Plan/Program |
SIP | Security Improvement Process |
SIP | Systems Integration and Protection |
SIP | Submission Input Processing |
SIP | Standard Installation Plan |
SIP | Staging Initiation Package |
SIP | Special Intelligence Processing |
SIP | Singe Inline Pin |