Acronym | Definition |
RGE | Renormalization Group Equation (quantum field theory) |
RGE | Range (surveys) |
RGE | Real Good Edition |
RGE | Rio Grande Energia (Portuguese; Brazilian energy supplier) |
RGE | Rakuten Golden Eagles (Japanese baseball team) |
RGE | Rochester Gas and Electric |
RGE | Revenue Generating Activity |
RGE | Revue Géographique de l'Est (French: Geographical Journal of the East; est. 1961) |
RGE | Règles Générales d'Exploitation (French: General Operating Rules) |
RGE | Registered Geotechnical Engineer |
RGE | Réseaux Grand Est (French: Greater East Networks; est. 1994) |
RGE | Resource for Genetic and Epidemiologic Research (University of Utah) |
RGE | Rec.Gardens.Ecosystems (newsgroup) |
RGE | Réseau Global d'Etablissement (French: Global Establishment Network) |
RGE | Resume Generating Event |
RGE | Rugby Groupe Edhec (French rugby club) |
RGE | Rocky Grove Elementary School (Pennsylvania) |
RGE | Restraint-Induced Gastric Erosions |