SIRSchool of International Relations (Iran)
SIRSociety of Interventional Radiology
SIRStaten Island Railway (NY, formerly SIRT, Staten Island Rapid Transit)
SIRSelf-Insured Retention
SIRSummary Information Return
SIRSpaceborne Imaging Radar
SIRSocial Information Retrieval (various organizations)
SIRScholar in Residence
SIRSocial Indicators Research (various organizations)
SIRShooting Incident Reconstruction (forensics)
SIRSecurity Intelligence Report (Microsoft threat analysis)
SIRSafety Information Registration
SIRSerial Infra Red
SIRStandard Infra Red
SIRSecondary Image Registration
SIRSave Instruction Recognition
SIRSecurity Intelligence Report
SIRStandardized Incidence Ratio
SIRSerial Infrared
SIRSignal-to-Interference Ratio
SIRShort Interest Ratio (finance)
SIRSurface Insulation Resistance
SIRShuttle Imaging Radar
SIRSavings-to-Investment Ratio
SIRStatistical Inventory Reconciliation
SIRSpecific Information Requirement (US DoD)
SIRStatement of Intent to Register (College)
SIRScreening Information Request (US FAA; same as RFP)
SIRSupplemental Inflatable Restraint
SIRSilent Information Regulator
SIRSerious Incident Report
SIRSingle Instance Repository
SIRStatutory Invention Registration
SIRSociety of Insurance Research
SIRSingapore Infantry Regiment
SIRSeattle International Raceway
SIRSpecial Investment Region (Dholera, Gujarat, India)
SIRSystem Impedance Ratio (power systems)
SIRSocial Investigation Report (Juvenile Justice Act; India)
SIRSociété Ivoirienne de Raffinage (Abidjan, Ivory Coast)
SIRSecurity Incident Report
SIRSoutheastern Institute of Research (ad survey firm)
SIRStarting Independent Researcher (European Research Council grant)
SIRStandard Indonesian Rubber
SIRSpecific Insulation Resistance (electrical engineering)
SIRSons In Retirement (Northern California retired men's luncheon club)
SIRScientific Information Retrieval
SIRSelected Ion Recording (mass spectrometry)
SIRSingapore Immigration and Registration
SIRStatistical Information Retrieval
SIRSafeguards Implementation Report
SIRStepped Impedance Resonator
SIRSpeech Intelligibility Rating
SIRSafety Investigation Report
SIRSequential Importance Resampling
SIRSigma Iota Rho (international studies honorary society)
SIRSingle Interactive Repository (computing)
SIRSystem Investigation Request
SIRSession Initiation Request
SIRSample Inspection Report (engineering prototype)
SIRSnow and Ice on Runway
SIRSelective Integrated Rail System (law enforcement product)
SIRSupervised Intensive Restitution (Alabama prison program)
SIRSorry If Repost
SIRSimulated Intelligence Robotics
SIRSystem Integration Review
SIRSpatial Impulse Response
SIRSystem Incident Report
SIRSubmarine Intermediate Reactor
SIRService Information Request
SIRSwitched Integrated Rectifier (three phase transformer-rectifier power supply)
SIRSimple Indexing and Retrieval
SIRStandard Information Retrieval unit
SIRSystems Integrated Research (UK educational software firm)
SIRStandard-Issue Information Retrieval Unit (Invader Zim)
SIRSmooth Interpersonal Relationship
SIRSupplier Information Request
SIRSource Initiated Reservation
SIRSociety of Individual Rights (1960s San Francisco homophile group)
SIRSkill Independent Regional (Visas)
SIRScheduled Inspection and Repair
SIRSite Inspection Request
SIRService Implementation Repository
SIRSemiannual Inventory Report
SIRSoftware Incident Report
SIRSooner International Raceway
SIRSmith Industrial Rubber
SIRSensitive, Intermediate, Resistant
SIRSafety Interlock Relay
SIRSet Iron Rod
SIRSveriges Inredningsarkitekters Riksförbund
SIRSociety of Independent Representatives Inc
SIRSearch, Inspection & Recovery
SIRSequential Independent Reviews
SIRStored Information Retriever
SIRSpecial Inspection Requirement
SIRSpecial Investigative Requirement
SIRSurveillance Information Retrieval (gaming)
SIRSupervisor Investigation Reports (insurance)
SIRScramble Intercept Recovery