RITSRaisin in the Sun (movie)
RITSRotary International Travel Service
RITSRede de Informações para o Terceiro Setor (Portugese)
RITSRadiographic Integrated Test Stand (Nevada Test Site)
RITSReserve Bank Information and Transfer System
RITSRock Island Technical Society (Kansas City, MO)
RITSRemediation Innovative Technology Seminar (US DoD)
RITSRemote I/O Terminal System
RITSResearch and Instructional Technologies Support
RITSReceiving Inspection and Test System
RITSRegistry Information Tracking System
RITSRemote IT Services
RITSRequest for IT Services
RITSReceiving Inspection and Testing System
RITSRampant Information Technology Syndrome
RITSRequests for Information Technology Systems (Department of Labor)