Acronym | Definition |
RDR | Reader |
RDR | Red Dead Redemption (video game) |
RDR | Rassemblement des Républicains (French: Rally of the Republicans, Ivory Coast) |
RDR | Radar |
RDR | RNA Dependent RNA Polymerase |
RDR | Retail Distribution Review (various organizations) |
RDR | Raw Data Record |
RDR | Rally for Democracy and the Republic (Republic of the Congo) |
RDR | Réduction des Risques (French: Risk Reduction) |
RDR | Remote Data Recovery (Ontrack Data International) |
RDR | Reference Design Report (International Linear Collider) |
RDR | Redirector |
RDR | Recorder |
RDR | Rock Deformation Research (geological software; UK) |
RDR | Rotating Disk Reactor (semiconductors) |
RDR | Radio Direct Response (advertising agency) |
RDR | Remote Data Relay |
RDR | Reception Data Register (computer programming) |
RDR | Reduced Data Requirement |
RDR | Registered Diplomate Reporter |
RDR | Russian Depositary Receipt |
RDR | Rijksdienst voor Radiocommunicatie |
RDR | Redding Bus Station (Amtrak station code; Redding, CA) |
RDR | Requirements Definition Review |
RDR | Ralph Davis Reptiles (herpetoculture) |
RDR | Ripple Down Rule (knowledge acquisition) |
RDR | Règlement Direct |
RDR | Rodolfo del Rosario (Philippines public figure) |
RDR | Retail Delivery Report |
RDR | Règlement sur le Développement Rural |
RDR | Retail Delivery Record (paper-based delivery manifest) |
RDR | Runway Distance Remaining |
RDR | Radiation Dosimetry and Records |
RDR | Receiving Discrepancy Report |
RDR | Remote Data Requester |
RDR | Radial Distributor Road Bridge (infrastructure; UK) |