SALSASemi-Arid Land-Surface-Atmosphere
SALSASafe and Local Supplier Approval (UK)
SALSASouth Asian Law Students Association
SALSASymposium About Language and Society - Austin
SALSAStochastic Approach for Link-Structure Analysis
SALSASocial Action & Leadership School for Activists (Washington, DC)
SALSASolvers for Algebraic Systems and Applications
SALSASouth Argentinean Lake Sediment Archives and Modelling
SALSASouth African Longboard Surfing Association
SALSASocial Activist Law Student Association (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada)
SALSASociety for the Anthropology of Lowland South America
SALSASun Appliance for Live Software Analysis
SALSASimple Actor Language System and Architecture (actor oriented programming language)
SALSAStudents Advocating Life Without Substance Abuse
SALSASpanish and Latin-American Students' Association
SALSASaltdome Shower Array (neutrino observatory)
SALSASpanish-speakers Assisting Latinos Student Association
SALSASaarbrücken Lexical Semantics Acquisition
SALSASales Activity Linked to Service Activity
SALSAStudent Alliance for Learning, Success and Achievement
SALSASuccessful Aging Through Long-term Strategic Alliances
SALSASpares Acquisition & Logistics Support Analysis
SALSASouth Arlington Lead Sharing Association (Virginia)
SALSASubAntroscopic Laterobasal Sinusfloor Augmentation
SALSAStudent Alliance for Latino Solidarity and Achievement
SALSASan Antonio League of Sidewalk Astronomers (Texas)
SALSASystem Using Artificial Life to Study Adaptation