SALTStrategic Arms Limitation Talks
SALTState And Local Tax
SALTSouthern African Large Telescope (11m mirror array)
SALTStrategic Arms Limitation Treaty
SALTSystematic Analysis of Language Transcripts (software)
SALTScript Application Language for Telix
SALTSouth African Large Telescope
SALTSpeech and Language Therapist
SALTSpeech Application Language Tags
SALTSociety for Applied Learning Technology
SALTStrategic Alternative Learning Techniques (University of Arizona)
SALTSingle and Loving It
SALTSeniors and Law Enforcement Together
SALTStand A Little Taller
SALTServing and Learning Together
SALTSame As Last Time
SALTService Architecture Leveraging Tuxedo
SALTSloping Agricultural Land Technology (agroforestry)
SALTSeven Areas of Life Training (Christian education)
SALTSkin-Associated Lymphoid Tissue
SALTSeminars About Long-term Thinking
SALTSocietà Autostrada Ligure Toscana (Italian)
SALTSupporting Arms Liaison Team
SALTSave A Life Today (emergency contact system)
SALTSafety Altitude (aviation)
SALTStandards-Based Access to Multilingual Lexicons and Terminologies
SALTSalt and Light Together (youth group)
SALTSaskatchewan Association of Library Technicians (Canada)
SALTSize, Activity, Location, Time (military report)
SALTSensor-Less Artificial Lift Technology (petroleum industry)
SALTSavannas in the Long Term
SALTSystems Arabic Localization Technology (Cairo, Egypt)
SALTSituation Awareness Logistics Tool
SALTSteered Agile Laser Transceivers
SALTSpinsat Altimeter
SALTSarawak Language Technology
SALTSpecial Altimeter
SALTSmith County Area Libraries Together
SALTStudents Active in Leadership Training
SALTSingles Aimed at Living Truth
SALTSize Attitude Location Type (science)
SALTScale, Axis, Labels, Title (school mathematics)
SALTSingles Alive in the Lord Together (Lincolnton, NC)
SALTSecurity Assessment Laboratory Test
SALTSenior Agency Leadership Team
SALTSilent Assault with Lethal Tactics (Counter-Strike clan)
SALTSupporting Army Liaison Team
SALTStrategic Administrative Leadership Team
SALTSingle Alternate-Line Traffic
SALTStudents Actively Leading Today (education)