Acronym | Definition |
SME | Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise |
SME | System Management Entity |
SME | Sony Music Entertainment |
SME | Small and Medium Enterprises |
SME | Subject Matter Expert |
SME | Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration |
SME | Subject Matter Expertise |
SME | Social Media Examiner (website) |
SME | Society of Manufacturing Engineers |
SME | Senior Mechanical Engineer |
SME | Science-Mathematics Education (various schools) |
SME | School of Military Engineering |
SME | Service Management Enterprise (software) |
SME | Surface Mining Equipment |
SME | Système de Management Environnemental (French: Environmental Management System) |
SME | Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment |
SME | Sistema Monetario Europeo (Italian) |
SME | Système Monétaire Européen (French: European monetary system) |
SME | Security Management Entity |
SME | Structural Mechanical Environment |
SME | Small and Medium Sized Enterprises |
SME | Storage Management Engine |
SME | Storage Media Encryption |
SME | Service Management Engine |
SME | Sun Microelectronics |
SME | Spontaneous Music Ensemble (est. 1966) |
SME | Storage Media Encryption (various companies) |
SME | Society of Mining Engineers |
SME | Secure Mobile Environment |
SME | Software Maintenance Engineer |
SME | Santé Mentale Europe (French: Mental Health Europe) |
SME | Sinorhizobium Meliloti |
SME | Shawnee Mission East |
SME | Significant Military Equipment |
SME | Scale Model Equipment (UK) |
SME | Shape Memory Effect (engineering) |
SME | Shimoga (Indian town railway code) |
SME | Solar Mesosphere Explorer |
SME | Service Management Europe (UK) |
SME | Single Market Events Pty Ltd. (Australia) |
SME | Short Message Entity |
SME | Soy Methyl Ester (biodiesel) |
SME | Sharp Microelectronics Europe (Hamburg, Germany) |
SME | Stato Maggiore dell'Esercito (Italian: Army General Staff) |
SME | Special Mission Equipment |
SME | Sustaining Membership Enrollment (Boy Scouts of America) |
SME | Spatial Modeling Environment |
SME | Standard Model Extension (physics) |
SME | Senior Management Executive |
SME | SuccessMaker Enterprise (education) |
SME | Soil and Materials Engineers, Inc (Plymouth, MI) |
SME | Sales & Marketing Executives International |
SME | Solutions Middle East |
SME | Square Meter Equivalent (textile trade) |
SME | Surface Material Exploration (Canada) |
SME | Sloppy Meateaters (band) |
SME | Sun Microelectronics (Sun Microsystems, Inc.) |
SME | Squadron Medical Element |
SME | Saami, Northern (Norwegian ISO Language Code) |
SME | Sports Media Entertainment (broadcast outlet) |
SME | School of Materials Engineering |
SME | Security Message Exchange |
SME | Synchronous Modem Eliminator |
SME | Semaine Mondiale de l'Entrepreneuriat (French: Global Week of Entrepreneurship) |
SME | Seine-Maritime Expansion (est. 1968) |
SME | Signaling Message Encryption |
SME | Society of Military Engineers |
SME | Sausage McMuffin with Egg (McDonalds) |
SME | State Machine Editor |
SME | Surface Mobile Equipment |
SME | Republic of Surinam (international auto identification) |
SME | Systems Maintenance Engineer |
SME | Software Management for Executives (training course) |
SME | Services de Migration et Etrangers (French: Migration and Foreigners Services; Angola) |
SME | Sales Management Engineer |
SME | Stratégie Marine Européenne (French: EU Marine Strategy) |
SME | Static Model Exchange |
SME | Selector Mark Enable |
SME | Special Minister of the Eucharist |
SME | Session Management Engine (software development and testing) |
SME | Société Métallurgique d'Epernay (French: Metallurgical Society of Epernay; France) |
SME | Solid-Metal Embrittlement |
SME | Shape Metal Effect |
SME | Surface Movement Element |
SME | Small Management Element |
SME | Specialized Market Expert |
SME | Supply Management Executive/Expert |
SME | Submucosal Mass Effect |
SME | Submucosal Extension |