Acronym | Definition |
SMEC | San Miguel Energy Corp. (Philippines) |
SMEC | Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation (Australia) |
SMEC | Science and Mathematics Education Centre (Australia) |
SMEC | Study of Matter at Extreme Conditions |
SMEC | Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (China) |
SMEC | Science and Mathematics Education Center |
SMEC | Single Module Engine Controller |
SMEC | Small and Medium Enterprise Credit |
SMEC | Sakthi Mariamman Engineering College (India) |
SMEC | Science Museum Exhibit Collaborative |
SMEC | Small and Medium Enterprises Committee |
SMEC | stretched membrane with electrostatic curvature |
SMEC | Science and Mathematics Education Conference |
SMEC | Surface Mountable Electronic Components, Inc. |
SMEC | Strategic Missile Evaluation Committee |
SMEC | Small and Medium Enterprise Center |
SMEC | Subject Matter Expert/Consultant |
SMEC | Snowy Mountains Electricity Commission (Australia) |
SMEC | Southern Midlands Encouraging Community (Australia) |
SMEC | Specified Minimum Employer Contribution |
SMEC | Southwest Mississippi Education Consortium |
SMEC | Southern Minnesota Educational Campus |
SMEC | Southeastern Massachusetts Educational Collaborative (Bedford, Massachusetts) |
SMEC | School Museum European Cooperation |
SMEC | Second Memorandum on Energy Conservation |
SMEC | School and Municipal Energy Coop |
SMEC | Sports Marketing and Entrepreneurship Club |
SMEC | Shanghai Metallurgical Equipment Company Ltd. |
SMEC | Suresh Milton Engineering Company (India) |
SMEC | Saint Margarets Episcopal Church |
SMEC | Single Module Engine Computer |
SMEC | Sunday Morning Education Classes |
SMEC | Sports Massage Education Council |
SMEC | Social Mobilisation and Equity Consultants |
SMEC | Saint Mark's Episcopal Church |
SMEC | Subject Matter Expert Committee |