RAPRecord of Arrests and Prosecutions (sheet)
RAPRecovery and Progress
RAPRhythm And Poetry (rap music)
RAPRemedial Action Plan
RAPReconciliation Action Plan (Australia)
RAPRecreation and Parks (various locations)
RAPResearch, Analysis and Planning (various schools)
RAPReclaimed Asphalt Pavement (road material)
RAPRemote Access Point (telecommunications)
RAPRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific
RAPRecord and Playback (software)
RAPRisk Assessment Program (Microsoft)
RAPRandom Acts of Poetry (various locations)
RAPRoute Access Protocol
RAPRecycled Asphalt Pavement
RAPReport All Poaching (various locations)
RAPResearch and Analysis Project (various locations)
RAPRecurrent Abdominal Pain
RAPRandom Amplified Polymorphic (DNA)
RAPRich Ajax Platform (website application programming)
RAPRisk Assessment Planning
RAPRestoration Advisory Board
RAPRetained Accessory Power (automobiles)
RAPRoute Analysis Program
RAPRecord and Playback
RAPRemote Admin Protocol
RAPRandomly Addressed Polling
RAPRing Array Processor
RAPResource Allocation Protocol
RAPReady Assessment Package
RAPRapid Application Partitioning
RAPRooftop Access Point
RAPRemote Access Protocol
RAPRll Access Profile
RAPRandom Access Point
RAPRemote Access Point
RAPRelational Associative Processor
RAPReal Audio Player
RAPRandom Access Protocol
RAPRelatives as Parents (program)
RAPRight Atrial Pressure
RAPRésistance à l'Agression Publicitaire (French: Resistance to Aggressive Advertising)
RAPResettlement Action Plan
RAPRapid Assessment Program
RAPRule Against Perpetuities (law)
RAPRecruiter Assistance Program
RAPResident Assessment Protocol
RAPRocket-Assisted Projectile
RAPRanged Attack Power (gaming)
RAPRight Away, Please
RAPRegulatory Assistance Project
RAPRadiological Assistance Program (US DOE)
RAPResettlement Assistance Program (Canada)
RAPRisk Assessment Process (UK)
RAPRegimental Aid Post (Australia)
RAPResponse Action Plan
RAPRegulatory Accounting Principles
RAPResearch Applications Program (National Center for Atmospheric Research)
RAPRapport Annuel de Performance (French: Annual Performance Report)
RAPRemedial Action Program
RAPRisk Adjusted Performance
RAPRehabilitation and Preservation Program (New York State Housing Finance Agency)
RAPRobotics Alliance Project (US NASA)
RAPRegional Alliance for Preservation
RAPRadio Access Point
RAPRapid Application Prototyping
RAPResearch Apprenticeship Program
RAPRemedial Amendment Period (taxation)
RAPResidency Application Process (various organizations)
RAPRegulation, Accreditation and Payment (legal practice group)
RAPRent Assessment Panel (UK)
RAPRecognition Award Program (various organizations)
RAPRaising Academic Performance (various organizations)
RAPResearch Abroad Program (various schools)
RAPResource Allocation Process
RAPRéseau Académique Parisien (French: Paris Academic Network)
RAPRhythmic American Poetry
RAPRussian Accounting Principles (Russia)
RAPRhoptry-Associated Protein
RAPResource Allocation Plan
RAPRecognized Air Picture
RAPRate Adaptation Protocol
RAPResource Allocation Protocol (IETF)
RAPRegional Addiction Prevention (Washington, DC; est. 1970)
RAPRepository Access Protocol
RAPRemedial Action Projects Program (Joint Chiefs of Staff, US DoD)
RAPRecurrent Acute Pancreatitis
RAPRemote Administration Protocol
RAPReliable Acoustic Path
RAPReal Action Paintball, Inc. (Santa Clara, CA)
RAPRapid Assessment Protocol
RAPReasonable Academic Progress
RAPReady Aircrew Program
RAPRéseau d'Avertissements Phytosanitaires (French: Phytosanitary Network Warnings; Canada)
RAPResidency Assistance Program
RAPRequisition Approval Process (various businesses)
RAPResearch Assistantship Program (various locations)
RAPRisk Assessment Profile
RAPRapid City, SD, USA - Rapid City Regional Airport (Airport Code)
RAPRockies Alliance Pipeline (energy)
RAPRotational Assignment Program (various organizations)
RAPReferral Agent Program (various companies)
RAPRaising Attainment Plan (education)
RAPRassemblement pour l'Alternative Progressiste (French: Rally for the Progressive Alternative; political movement; Canada)
RAPRight Arterial Pressure
RAPRegional Acceleratory Phenomenon (bone remodeling)
RAPRecepción Automatizada de Pagos (Spanish)
RAPReconfigurable Algorithm Processing
RAPRisk Analysis Program
RAPRear Area Protection
RAPRumors And Propaganda (military)
RAPRemedial Accomplishment Plan
RAPRadon Action Program
RAPRegistration Assessment Panel
RAPRenal Arterial Pressure
RAPRDF (Resource Description Framework) API (Application Programming Interface) for PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor; software package)
RAPResource Allocation Project (London)
RAPRadio Access Protocol (Research In Motion Limited)
RAPReserve Assistance Program
RAPRe-Application Program
RAPRIKEN (Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) Center for Advanced Photonics (Japan)
RAPRidgedale Alternative Program
RAPRaw Attack Power (gaming)
RAPReliability Analysis Program
RAPReactive and Proactive Testing (antivirus software effectiveness rating)
RAPResistance Against Psychiatry
RAPRural Action Project (Clare, Ireland)
RAPRate Adjustment Policy
RAPRequirements Analysis Planning
RAPResponse Application Platform
RAPRoot Anchor Point (mainframe software database management)
RAPRisk Aversion Plan
RAPRequirements, Analysis and Production (Canadian government)
RAPRequired Annual Premium (life insurance)
RAPResponse Analysis Program
RAPRepublican Alliance Party of Kenya (political party)
RAPRapid Alignment Prototype
RAPReserve Auxiliary Payload
RAPResidents' Assistance Program
RAPRapid Access Point
RAPRedundant Acronym Phrase
RAPRead All Period
RAPRace Awareness Program (Mount Diablo Peace Center)
RAPReal-time Air Picture
RAPReduced Assessment Product
RAPRadio and Production
RAPRequirements Analysis Package
RAPRadar Aiming Point
RAPRun Advertised Program (Microsoft)
RAPRevised Approved Program
RAPReceiver Antenna Polarization
RAPRestroom Association of the Philippines
RAPReadiness Action Proposal
RAPReafferent Potential
RAPRemote Access to PVS (Hekimian)
RAPResources Allocated Packet
RAPRevision d'Application des Peines
RAPReliable Accuracy and Performance