Acronym | Definition |
SEN | Senior |
SEN | Senator |
SEN | Special Educational Needs (UK education system) |
SEN | Sensitivity (Groundwater Modeling Systems) |
SEN | Senegal (ISO Country code) |
SEN | Statement of Educational Needs (UK) |
SEN | Sony Entertainment Network |
SEN | Sistema Eléctrico Nacional (Spanish: National Electric System; various locations) |
SEN | Submerged Entry Nozzle (steel manufacturing) |
SEN | Save Energy Now (various locations) |
SEN | Sustainable Energy Network (various locations) |
SEN | Social Entertainment Network |
SEN | System Event Notification |
SEN | Software Engineering Notebook |
SEN | Sociedad Española de Neurología (Spanish Society of Neurology) |
SEN | Solidarity Economy Network |
SEN | Software Engineering Notes |
SEN | Southern Energy Network (climate change advocacy; various locations) |
SEN | State Enrolled Nurse |
SEN | Student Environment Network (Canada) |
SEN | Sports Entertainment Network |
SEN | Small Extension Node |
SEN | Satellite Education Network |
SEN | Secretary of Energy Notice |
SEN | Société des Eaux du Nord (French: Northern Waters Company; est. 1912) |
SEN | subependymal nodule |
SEN | Staredit Network (gaming) |
SEN | standard enteral nutrition |
SEN | Scalp-Ear-Nipple Syndrome |
SEN | System Evaluation Network |
SEN | System Engineering Note |