SGBSozialgesetzbuch (Germany: social legislation)
SGBScomi Group Berhad (Malaysia)
SGBStandards Generating Body
SGBSaurashtra Gramin Bank (India)
SGBStochastic Gradient Boosting (forestry)
SGBSchool Governing Board (various schools)
SGBSuper Game Boy
SGBSingle Gang Box
SGBStudent Government Board
SGBSociety of Glass Beadmakers
SGBService Géologique de Belgique (French: Geological Survey of Belgium)
SGBState Governing Body (various locations)
SGBScaffolding Great Britain (UK)
SGBSome Garage Band (band)
SGBSteam Generator Blowdown
SGBSteam Gunboat (UK Royal Navy 1943-44)
SGBShanghai Grain Bureau
SGBSpring Garden Band (York, PA)