SGDSingapore Dollar (Currency Unit, ISO)
SGDStochastic Gradient Descent (computational mathematics)
SGDSliding Glass Door
SGDSaccharomyces Genome Database
SGDSportgemeinschaft Dynamo Dresden (German: Community Sports Dynamo Dresden; Dresden, Germany)
SGDSecure Global Desktop (Tarantella)
SGDSystem Generic Documentation
SGDSuper Group Distribution
SGDSecure Global Desktop
SGDSuper Grub Disk (computing)
SGDSimulation and Game Development (various schools)
SGDSpeech Generating Device
SGDSagami General Depot (US Army post; Japan)
SGDSonderborg, Denmark - Sonderborg (Airport Code)
SGDSpecific Granule Deficiency
SGDShell Gas Direct
SGDSola Gloria Dei (Latin: glory only to God)
SGDSmall Group Dialogue (Web Lab)
SGDSignificant Ground Disturbance (Australia)
SGDSummary of Graduate Dissertations (Iraqi Society for Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources and Techniques)
SGDStudien Gemeinschaft Darmstadt
SGDSuperannuation Guarantee Determination (Australian finance)
SGDSymbolized Graphic Data
SGDSound and Game Device
SGDSkinny Girl Diet
SGDSuper Group Distribution (Frame)
SGDSoutheastern Guide Dogs, Inc.
SGDSystem Generic Documentation (ITI)
SGDSymmetric Gaussian Distribution
SGDSoft Gap Distribution
SGDSurveor General's Department
SGDsecure gold deposit
SGDSubmerged Groundwater Discharge