Acronym | Definition |
AMDA | American Medical Directors Association |
AMDA | Acid Maltase Deficiency Association |
AMDA | Association of Medical Doctors of Asia (Nepal) |
AMDA | American Musical Dramatic Academy |
AMDA | Automated Microarray Data Analysis |
AMDA | Association of Medical Doctors for Asia |
AMDA | Automated Multi-Dataset Analysis |
AMDA | American Metal Detecting Association |
AMDA | American Machinery Dealers Association |
AMDA | American Metaphysical Doctors Association |
AMDA | Arizona Mule Deer Association |
AMDA | Automatic Meta Data Assignment |
AMDA | ACTS Mobile Domain Assembly |
AMDA | Acceptable Minimum Detectable Activity |
AMDA | Asset Management and Disposition Agreement (US FDIC) |
AMDA | Austrian Medical Doctors Association |
AMDA | Asian Model Driven Architecture |