SGISilicon Graphics, Inc.
SGISoka Gakkai International
SGISaskatchewan Government Insurance (Canada)
SGISocieta Geografica Italiana (Italian: Italian Geographic Society)
SGISanjay Ghodawat Institute (India)
SGISerious Games Institute (UK)
SGISilicon Graphics Image (filename extension)
SGIStyling Garage Ingolstadt
SGISilicon Graphics Image
SGISilicon Graphics Inc.
SGISecondary Green Intensity
SGISt George Island
SGIStrategic Growth International (New York, NY)
SGISporting Goods Industry
SGISharda Group of Institutions (India)
SGIScientific Games International, Inc. (Alpharetta, GA)
SGISmall-Group Instruction
SGISustainable Growth Initiative (various locations)
SGIServices of General Interest (European postal working group)
SGISour Gas Injection (oil industry)
SGISt George International (UK school)
SGISerious Games Initiative
SGISunshine in Government Initiative
SGIStrategic Growth Initiative (est. 2002)
SGISopra Group India (IT consultancy firm)
SGISpheroidal Graphite Iron
SGIStudents for Genital Integrity
SGISeoul Guarantee Insurance (Korea)
SGIScene Genesis, Inc. (est. 1998; Rochester, NY)
SGISeamless Graphical Interface
SGIStray Goose International (military veterans' group; Hurlburt Field, FL)
SGISaringa Group Inc.
SGISveriges Gummiindustriförening (Swedish Rubber Industry Federation)
SGISoybean Genomics and Improvement
SGISouthport Game and Internet (AU)
SGISutton Group, Inc.
SGIStratford Global Intelligence