Acronym | Definition |
SCIF | Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility |
SCIF | State Compensation Insurance Fund |
SCIF | Stem Cell Instrumentation Foundry (California) |
SCIF | Secure Compartmentalized Information Facility |
SCIF | Seed Co-Investment Fund (New Zealand Venture Investment Fund) |
SCIF | Small Cap India ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) |
SCIF | Sunshine Coast Institute of Football (Australia) |
SCIF | South Coast Intensive Final (UK) |
SCIF | Sindicato da Carreira de Investigação e Fiscalização (Portugal, Union of the Career of Inquiry and Fiscalização) |
SCIF | Spacecraft Interface |
SCIF | Single Console Image Facility |
SCIF | Special Classified Intelligence Facility (common but incorrect) |
SCIF | Supply Chain Innovation Forum |
SCIF | Sustainable Communities Initiative Fund |