Acronym | Definition |
SCIP | Solving Constraint Integer Programs (mathematical programming solver) |
SCIP | Surgical Care Improvement Project |
SCIP | Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals |
SCIP | Structural Concrete Insulated Panel (construction) |
SCIP | Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals (Alexandria, VA) |
SCIP | Society for Computers In Psychology |
SCIP | Statewide Communications Interoperability Plan |
SCIP | Secure Communications Interoperability Protocol (NATO extension of FNBDT) |
SCIP | Sussex Community Internet Project (UK) |
SCIP | Sound Contrasts in Phonology (app) |
SCIP | Specifications Consultants in Independent Practice (construction) |
SCIP | Safe Communities Incentive Program (Canada) |
SCIP | Stanford Computer Industry Project |
SCIP | Shanghai Chemical Industrial Park |
SCIP | Strategies for Crisis Intervention and Prevention (behavioral support) |
SCIP | School Continuous Improvement Plan |
SCIP | Security Cooperation Information Portal |
SCIP | School Community Intervention Program |
SCIP | Sun-Centered Imaging Package |
SCIP | Student Community Involvement Program |
SCIP | Simple Conference Invitation Protocol |
SCIP | Strategic Capability Investment Plan (Department of National Defence; Canada) |
SCIP | Smoking Cessation in Pregnancy |
SCIP | Shuswap Construction Industry Professionals |
SCIP | Social Care in Partnership (UK) |
SCIP | State Capital Improvements Program (Ohio) |
SCIP | Springs Community Improvements Program |
SCIP | South Corridor Infrastructure Program |
SCIP | Studsvik Cladding Integrity Project |
SCIP | Simple Content Inspection Protocol |
SCIP | Speech Communication Interaction Program (Oklahoma State University) |
SCIP | Southern Cochlear Implant Programme (New Zealand) |
SCIP | Sarasota County Induction Program |
SCIP | SeniorsCan Information Program (website) |
SCIP | Schools and Communities in Partnership |
SCIP | Surveillance and Communications Interface Processor (FAA) |
SCIP | Stanford Clinical Investigator Pathway |
SCIP | Skidmore College Installment Plan (Saratoga Springs, New York) |
SCIP | Student Computing and Information Page |
SCIP | South Carolina Indicators Project |
SCIP | Sanitary Control and Indication Panel |
SCIP | San Carlos Irrigation Projects |
SCIP | Single Copy Insight Program |
SCIP | Service, Coordination, Information and Planning |
SCIP | Self Control-enhancing Information Programme |
SCIP | Spirally Cut Impact Protection |
SCIP | Ship's Capability Impaired for Lack of Parts |
SCIP | Self-Contained Individualized Program |
SCIP | Ship Characteristics & Improvement Program |
SCIP | Sistema Completo de Informacion de Productividad |
SCIP | Speech Communication Interaction Portal |