RGSRoyal Geographical Society
RGSRio Grande do Sul (Brazilian State)
RGSRio Grande Southern (railroad)
RGSRoyal Grammar School (UK)
RGSRoyal Grammar School (England)
RGSResearch and Graduate Studies (various schools)
RGSRemote Graphics Software (high-performance remote desktop connection protocol)
RGSRegulators of G Protein Signaling
RGSRockhampton Grammar School (Australia)
RGSReflection Grating Spectrometer
RGSRaffles Girls' School (Singapore)
RGSRemote Gaming Server (various companies)
RGSRéférentiel Général de Sécurité (French: General Repository Security)
RGSRegional Geochemical Survey (Canada)
RGSReligious of the Good Shepherd (religious order)
RGSRemote Guardian System (defensive system)
RGSRieger Syndrome
RGSRigid Galvanized Steel
RGSRandom Good Stuff
RGSRemote Ground Station
RGSRequirements Generation System
RGSRoyal Gay Society (UK)
RGSRegional Gliding School
RGSRegister Guidance System (QuadTech)
RGSRed Green Show (TV comedy)
RGSRelay Ground Stations
RGSRemote Ground Sensor
RGSRange Gate Stealer
RGSReceiving Ground Station
RGSReport Generating Software (IRS)
RGSRate Gyro System
RGSRange Gate Stealing
RGSRetained Gas Sampler
RGSRussian Ground Segment
RGSReading Group Specialist code
RGSResource Generation System
RGSRestructured General Support
RGSRéseau Genre et Sexualité (French: Gender and Sexuality Network)
RGSRugeley Grammar School (UK)