
RhRhesus factor
RhRelative Humidity
RhRight Hand
RhRessources Humaines (French: Human Resources)
RhReproductive Health
RhRobin Hood (KIVA algorithm)
RhRecursos Humanos (Portuguese)
RhRed Hot
RhResearch Highlights
RhRural Health (various locations)
RhRadiation Hybrid
RhRight Heart (cardiology)
RhRedhat Linux
RhRedhill (postcode, United Kingdom)
RhRadiohead (band)
RhRush Hour
RhRepublika Hrvatska (Republic of Croatia)
RhRestaurant Hospitality
RhRed Herring (magazine)
RhRenkus-Heinz (audio equipment; Foothill Ranch, CA)
RhRechnungshof (Austrian auditing authority)
RhRose-Hulman (College)
RhRohm and Haas
RhRelative Hazard (statistics)
RhRunning Hour
RhRochester Hills
RhRed High
RhSouthern Rhodesia
RhRemote Handled
RhRobert Hooke (discovered the cell by zooming in on a slice of cork)
RhRadiation Hardened
RhRow Hit (computer engineering)
RhReal Heroes (band)
RhRadiation Hazard
RhRear Heater
RhRegional Head
RhRoad Head
RhRoad Hog
RhRegistered Herbalist
RhReceding Horizon (optimization technique)
RhRessources Halieutiques (French: Fisheries resources)
RhRubeus Hagrid (Harry Potter)
RhRadar Homing
RhReentry Home (US DoD)
RhROM Hacking
RhRobert Huth
RhRaffles Hall
RhReaction History
RhRiza Hawkeye (Lieutenant in anime Fullmetal Alchemist)
RhRegistered Healer (International Natural Healers Association)
RhRice Hispa
RhRadar Head
RhRolf Holstensson (chair retailer; Bodaford, Sweden; est. 1977)
RhRefined Hydrocarbon
RhReported in the House of Representatives (bill status)
RhUS Revenue Cigarette Tubes (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
RhResnik House (Carnegie Mellon University)