Acronym | Definition |
SEC | Securities & Exchange Commission (US government) |
SEC | Second(s) |
SEC | Secretary |
SEC | Securities and Exchange Commission (authority in the Philippines) |
SEC | Section |
SEC | Space Environment Center (NOAA) |
SEC | Security |
SEC | Secondary |
SEC | Southeastern Conference |
SEC | Surveys of Enacted Curriculum |
SEC | Sun-Earth Connection (NASA) |
SEC | Software Engineering Center |
SEC | Size Exclusion Chromatography |
SEC | Specific Energy Consumption (energy efficiency) |
SEC | Seiko Epson Corporation (Japanese electronics company) |
SEC | Social and Economic Council (various locations) |
SEC | Software Engineering Conference (various locations) |
SEC | Secant (trigonometry) |
SEC | State Ethics Commission (various locations) |
SEC | Scottish Episcopal Church (UK) |
SEC | Saudi Electricity Company |
SEC | Special Education Committee |
SEC | Scientific and Engineering Computing |
SEC | Sharp Electronics Corporation (Mahwah, NJ) |
SEC | Standards and Ethics Committee (various organizations) |
SEC | Semiconductor Equipment Corporation (Moorpark, CA) |
SEC | Sydney Entertainment Centre (Sydney, Australia) |
SEC | Special Exposure Cohort |
SEC | Siemens Enterprise Communications (Siemens AG; Germany) |
SEC | South East Corner |
SEC | Secondary Containment |
SEC | Software Engineering Company |
SEC | Spiritual Enrichment Center (Bainbridge Island, WA) |
SEC | Student Employment Center (various schools) |
SEC | Socio-Economic Classification |
SEC | Spontaneous Echo Contrast (cardiology) |
SEC | Student Evaluation of Courses |
SEC | Student Executive Council (various schools) |
SEC | Socio-Economic Category |
SEC | Student Education Center (various schools) |
SEC | Shore Erosion Control |
SEC | Supreme Economic Council (Saudi Arabia) |
SEC | Southside Electric Cooperative (Virginia) |
SEC | Search Engine College (Australia) |
SEC | Suppress Error Correction |
SEC | Single Edge Contact |
SEC | Set Carry |
SEC | Sbus Ethernet Controller |
SEC | Singlebit Error Correction |
SEC | Security Evaluation Criteria |
SEC | Sequence End Code |
SEC | Securities and Exchange Commission |
SEC | Secured Animation File |
SEC | Scalable Enterprise Computing |
SEC | Shanghai Exhibition Center (China) |
SEC | Secaucus, New Jersey (New Jersey transit) |
SEC | Special Events Committee (various organizations) |
SEC | Standard Equipment Company (various companies) |
SEC | Singapore Environment Council |
SEC | Student Engineers' Council (various schools) |
SEC | Samsung Electronics Corporation |
SEC | Secretaría de Educación y Cultura (México) |
SEC | South Equatorial Current |
SEC | Single Edge Contact (Intel) |
SEC | Standard Entry Class |
SEC | Sustainable Energy Coalition (Takoma Park, MD) |
SEC | Set Carry (6502 processor instruction) |
SEC | Secretary's Department (International Monetary Fund) |
SEC | Sarkeys Energy Center (University of Oklahoma) |
SEC | Secure Electronic Commerce |
SEC | Student Executive Committee (various schools) |
SEC | Section Executive Committee |
SEC | Southeastern College (Pasay City, Philippines) |
SEC | Southeastern College |
SEC | Sports and Entertainment Commission (various locations) |
SEC | Single Error Correction |
SEC | Saudi Electric Company |
SEC | Sapporo Electronics and Industries Cultivation Foundation (Sapporo, Japan) |
SEC | Software Enabled Control |
SEC | Sonoma Ecology Center |
SEC | State Elections Commission (Puerto Rican government agency) |
SEC | Secondary Average (baseball statistic; determines how far on the bases a runner gets) |
SEC | Special Education Consultant |
SEC | Sociedad Española de Contracepción (Spanish: Spanish Society for Contraception) |
SEC | Spoken English Corpus |
SEC | Secans (trigonometry) |
SEC | Student Environment Centre (Canada) |
SEC | Summer English Camp |
SEC | State Engineering Corporation (Pakistan government) |
SEC | Staphylococcal Enterotoxin C |
SEC | Senior Executive Council (US DoD) |
SEC | SDH Equipment Clock |
SEC | Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc. |
SEC | Series Elastic Component (anatomy) |
SEC | Sustainable Energy Communities |
SEC | Specialist Engineering Contractors Group |
SEC | Single Edge Cartridge |
SEC | Spiritual Enrichment Conference (Heritage Christian University) |
SEC | Société des Employés de Commerce (French: Society of Commercial Employees; Switzerland) |
SEC | Society for Economic Botany |
SEC | Société d'Entomologie du Canada |
SEC | Social Economy Centre |
SEC | Special Education Consortium |
SEC | Secondary Electron Conduction |
SEC | Sapporo Electronics Center (Japan) |
SEC | Sistema Europeo di Conti |
SEC | Source Evaluation Committee |
SEC | Scalable Enterprise Computing (Dell) |
SEC | Software Evaluation Criteria (informatics, avionics) |
SEC | Spoiler Elevator Computer (Airbus) |
SEC | Spatial Error Concealment |
SEC | Submarine Element Coordinator |
SEC | Shanghai Education Commission |
SEC | Salvo Errore Calculi (Latin: after extensive calculations) |
SEC | Support Equipment Change |
SEC | Scientific Ethics Committee (UNESCO) |
SEC | Synchronous Equipment Clock |
SEC | Shelf Edge Current |
SEC | Scientific Estimates Committee |
SEC | Switching Equipment Congestion signal (CCS #7/ITU-T) |
SEC | Scintillator Electromagnetic Calorimeter |
SEC | Subject Electoral Commission (Russian Federation) |
SEC | Supreme Eiye Confraternity |
SEC | Southern Episcopal Church |
SEC | Shanghai Economic Commission |
SEC | School Energy Coalition (Canada) |
SEC | Service Evaluation Center |
SEC | SONET/SDH Equipment Clock |
SEC | Self Evident Correction |
SEC | Société d'Études Camerounaises (French) |
SEC | Sydney Education Centre (Australia) |
SEC | Special Support Equipment Change |
SEC | Systems Engineering Council |
SEC | Strategic Excellence Projects |
SEC | Service Etrangers et Confédérés (French: Foreign and Confederate Service; Switzerland) |
SEC | Sequential Events Controller (US NASA) |
SEC | Spinal Extremity Correction (treatment) |
SEC | Single End Cane (physical therapy) |
SEC | Sun Energy Corporation (El Salvador) |