Acronym | Definition |
RE | Reference |
RE | Real Estate |
RE | Regarding |
RE | Reply |
RE | Reinforced |
RE | Right End |
RE | Release Engineering |
RE | Rare Earth (chemistry) |
RE | Hello Again (D-Dial slang) |
RE | Religious Education |
RE | Return Exchange |
RE | Renewable Energy |
RE | Re-Examination |
RE | Resident Evil (game) |
RE | Reunion |
RE | Risk Exposure |
RE | Royal Engineers (UK) |
RE | Requirements Engineering Conference |
RE | Royal Exchange |
RE | Research Engineering |
RE | Roll Eyes |
RE | reinsurance |
RE | Round End |
RE | Reverse Engineering |
RE | Reunion Island (ISO country code, top level domain) |
RE | Retained Earnings |
RE | Reasonable Efforts |
RE | Regular Expression (formal language theory) |
RE | Runtime Environment |
RE | Reggio Emilia (Emilia Romagna, Italy) |
RE | Routing Engine (Juniper Networks, Inc.) |
RE | Relative Error |
RE | Rhenium |
RE | Rural Electrification (various locations) |
RE | Rotary Engine |
RE | Resident Engineer |
RE | Requirement Engineering |
RE | Recovery Environment (Microsoft) |
RE | Revised Estimate |
RE | Right Engine |
RE | Responsible Entity (various locations) |
RE | Reynolds Number (inertia force/viscous force) |
RE | Runtime Engine |
RE | Restriction Endonuclease |
RE | Reproductive Endocrinologist |
RE | Resource Element |
RE | Reportable Event |
RE | Regionalexpreß (German train) |
RE | Reliability Enhancement |
RE | Reservoir Engineer |
RE | Reenlistment Eligibility (code) |
RE | Recursively Enumerable (formal language theory/recursion theory/computability theory) |
RE | Radiated Emissions (standard for defense electronics) |
RE | Radiation Equipment |
RE | Railroad Easement |
RE | Receive Element |
RE | Reduction of Error (statistics) |
RE | Refusal of Employment |
RE | Resonant Engineering |
RE | Retinol Equivalent |
RE | Renovación Española (Spanish: Spanish Renewal; political movement) |
RE | Radio Éireann (Irish Radio pre-1966) |
RE | Remedial Engineering |
RE | Radio Enclosure |
RE | Emitter Resistance (transistors) |
RE | Relationship Episode |
RE | Radium Emanation |
RE | Radiation Element |
RE | Registered Electrologist |
RE | rodding eye (mechanical services) |
RE | Recycle Acid |
RE | Directorate for Readiness |
RE | Royal Society of Etchers & Engravers |
RE | US Revenue Cordials or Wines (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately) |
RE | RDF/Ethernet |