SMPCShared Memory Parallel Computer
SMPCSummary of Product Characteristics
SMPCSouthminster Presbyterian Church (various locations)
SMPCSociety for Music Perception and Cognition
SMPCSheet Metal Products Center (China)
SMPCSubsea Multiphase Pump (energy exploration)
SMPCSecure Multi-Party Computation
SMPCService des Matériaux Polymères et Composites (Laboratory of Polymeric and Composite Materials)
SMPCSignal Mountain Presbyterian Church
SMPCShanghai Municipal People's Congress
SMPCServing Mobile Positioning Centre (Ericsson)
SMPCStandard Marine Communication Phrases
SMPCSenior Management Planning Council
SMPCSouth Manchester Private Clinic
SMPCSwitch Mode Power Converter (energy management)
SMPCSeam-Managed Persistence Context
SMPCsouthern Mediterranean Partner Countries (EU)
SMPCStandard Message-Passing Channel