SCAPSecurity Content Automation Protocol
SCAPSecurity Content Automating Protocol
SCAPSystem Certification and Authorization Package
SCAPSupervisory Capital Assessment Program (US Federal Reserve)
SCAPSupreme Commander of the Allied Powers (allied organization occupying Japan after WII)
SCAPSomerville Cares about Prevention (Somerville, MA)
SCAPSenate Committee on Academic Procedures (Canada)
SCAPSREBP Cleavage Activating Protein
SCAPScallops Log (energy exploration)
SCAPScottish Charity Appeals Panel (UK)
SCAPSunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest (USCCB)
SCAPSpecialty Coffee Association of Panama
SCAPsyringocystadenoma papilliferum
SCAPSecurity Certification and Authorization Package (system security documentation; US FAA)
SCAPSlow Children At Play (band)
SCAPSchenectady Community Action Program
SCAPSuperfund Consolidated Accomplishments Plan (US EPA)
SCAPSuperfund Comprehensive Accomplishments Plan (US EPA)
SCAPSouthern California Alliance of POTWs
SCAPStandard Computerized Airplane Performance
SCAPSporting Clays Association of the Philippines
SCAPSocial Communication Assessment Pathway (diagnostic screening tool)
SCAPStandardised Computerised Aircraft Performance (International Air Transport Association)
SCAPShared Corporate Allowance Package
SCAPSecurity Certification and Authorization Process
SCAPStrategic Communications Assessment Program
SCAPSuperfund Compliance Accomplishments Plan
SCAPSpare Capacity Allocation Problem