RTSCRaytheon Technical Services Company
RTSCReturn to System Call (Returning materials repaired to customer request)
RTSCRead The Source Code
RTSCReturn to Sleepaway Camp (film)
RTSCRule to Show Cause (legal)
RTSCReal-Time Signal Controller
RTSCRailway Technology Strategy Centre (UK)
RTSCReal Time Strategic Carnage (gaming website)
RTSCReal Time Supply Chain
RTSCRural Telephone Service Company (Kansas)
RTSCRoyal Thai Supreme Command
RTSCRegional Training Support Center
RTSCReal-Time Software Component
RTSCRecreational Training Scuba Council
RTSCRoom Temperature Superconductor
RTSCRegional Technology Service Center(s) (Sprint)
RTSCRegional Training Simulation Center
RTSCResponds to Simple Commands
RTSCRemuneration and Terms of Service Committee
RTSCReeds Target Shooting Club (UK)
RTSCReal-Time System Component (TI Technology)