SAMBASession Message Block (also seen as SMB)
SAMBASaudi American Bank
SAMBASociety for Ambulatory Anesthesia
SAMBASpecial Agents Mutual Benefit Association
SAMBASystolic Accelerator for Molecular Biological Applications
SAMBASystem for Advanced Mobile Broadband Applications
SAMBASatellite for Measurement of Background Anisotropies
SAMBASouthern Arizona Mountain Biking Association (Tucson, AZ)
SAMBASusquehanna Area Mountain Bike Association
SAMBASouth Australian Multiple Birth Association (est. 1973)
SAMBASouthern Appalachian Man and Biosphere program (US)
SAMBASurface Mass Balance of Antarctica
SAMBAScientific and Medical Board of Advisors
SAMBASouth Australian Mountain Biking Association