Acronym | Definition |
SAA | Side Angle Angle (geometry; method of proving congruence) |
SAA | Saudi Arabian Airlines |
SAA | South African Airways |
SAA | Society of American Archivists |
SAA | Sex Addicts Anonymous |
SAA | Syrian Arab Army |
SAA | Surviving an Affair (book) |
SAA | Single Action Army (Colt Model 1873 revolver) |
SAA | Society for American Archaeology |
SAA | Student Alumni Association (various universities) |
SAA | Spondylitis Association of America |
SAA | Sense and Avoid (aircraft) |
SAA | State Administrative Agency |
SAA | Sasakawa Africa Association (Switzerland) |
SAA | Stabilization and Association Agreement (various nations) |
SAA | Scottish Assessors Association |
SAA | Scuola di Amministrazione Aziendale (Italian: School of Business Administration) |
SAA | Scientific Achievement Award (various organizations) |
SAA | Suzuki Association of the Americas (music education) |
SAA | Swim Across America (cancer awareness) |
SAA | Satin Anodised Aluminium |
SAA | Senior Administrative Assistant |
SAA | South Asian Arts |
SAA | Student Academic Affairs (various schools) |
SAA | Stanford Alumni Association (Stanford University; California) |
SAA | Service Assurance Agent |
SAA | Segmented Addressing Architecture |
SAA | Sql Access Advisor |
SAA | Stand Alone Application |
SAA | Standards Application Area |
SAA | Slot Assignment Algorithm |
SAA | Springfield Art Association (Springfield, IL) |
SAA | School of Advertising Art (various locations) |
SAA | Student Academic Achievement (various schools) |
SAA | Sci.Astro.Amateur (newsgroup) |
SAA | Sound Absorption Average (acoustics) |
SAA | Study Abroad Advisor (various schools) |
SAA | Society for All Artists (UK) |
SAA | Systems Application Architecture |
SAA | Secrétariat aux Affaires Autochtones (French: Secretariat for Aboriginal Affairs; Québec, Canada) |
SAA | Severe Aplastic Anemia |
SAA | Swift Alliance Access (software) |
SAA | South Atlantic Anomaly |
SAA | Sergeant At Arms |
SAA | Singapore Aviation Academy |
SAA | Satellite Active Archive |
SAA | Standards Association of Australia |
SAA | Same As Above |
SAA | Sub-Aqua Association |
SAA | Surety Association of America |
SAA | Surety Association of America (gathers bond statistics) |
SAA | Satellite Accumulation Area |
SAA | Sustained Achievement Award (Singapore) |
SAA | Space Act Agreement |
SAA | Shlemmer Algaze Associates (Newport Beach, CA) |
SAA | Small Arms Ammunition |
SAA | Stepfamily Association of America |
SAA | Society of Automotive Analysts (Ann Arbor, Michigan) |
SAA | State Approving Agencies |
SAA | Special Adoption Agency (India) |
SAA | Student Auxiliary Association (various locations) |
SAA | Society of Animal Artists (New York, NY) |
SAA | State Authorized Agency |
SAA | Syria Accountability Act |
SAA | Saskatchewan Association of Architects (Canada) |
SAA | Sociedad Argentina de Antropología (Spanish) |
SAA | Supplies for All Artists (UK) |
SAA | Sunglass Association of America |
SAA | Society for the Advancement of Autodynamics |
SAA | Scottish Archery Association |
SAA | Standard Application Architecture |
SAA | System Assurance Analysis (US NASA) |
SAA | Scottish Aeromodellers Association |
SAA | Small Area Analysis |
SAA | Society for Adhesion and Adhesives |
SAA | School Administrators' Association |
SAA | Special Assignment Airlift |
SAA | Static Automated Analysis (semiconductors) |
SAA | Student Adjustment Act |
SAA | Switzerland-Armenia Association (Switzerland) |
SAA | Solar Aspect Angle (angle at which sun hits a solar array of a satellite) |
SAA | Security Accreditation Authority |
SAA | Society of American Archeologists |
SAA | Serum Amyloid-Associated Protein |
SAA | Stateless Address Auto-Configuration |
SAA | Satellite Access Authorization |
SAA | Senior Army Advisor |
SAA | Securities America Advisors, Inc. |
SAA | Solar Array Assembly |
SAA | Service Adaptive Access |
SAA | Senior Airfield Authority |
SAA | Storage Accounting Area |
SAA | Specialty Advertising Association |
SAA | South Asia Association (Albert Einstein College of Medicine) |
SAA | Savannah Apartment Association (Savannah, GA) |
SAA | Shat Al Arab (Waterway in Southern Iraq) |
SAA | Skagit Art Association (Mount Vernon, Washington) |
SAA | Staff Administrative Assistant |
SAA | Service Autonome d'Alphabetisation (French) |
SAA | Station Access Agreement (UK railways) |
SAA | Single Angle Attack |
SAA | Skeptron Alumni Association (Alpha Kappa Rho alumni group) |
SAA | Small Aperture Array (earthquake monitoring apparatus) |
SAA | Site Application Administrator |
SAA | Swiss Ayurveda Association |
SAA | Submarine Action Area |
SAA | Syria Arab Airlines |
SAA | Satin Anodized Aluminum |
SAA | Satellite Access Approval |
SAA | Shreveport Airport Authority (Shreveport, LA) |
SAA | Situation Awareness and Assessment |
SAA | Subsystem Architecture and Analysis |
SAA | Scan Azimuth Angle |
SAA | Shermeyer & Associates Architects, Inc. (York, PA) |
SAA | Satellite Access Assignment |
SAA | Spectral Accelerate Algorithm |
SAA | Senior Attorney Adviser |
SAA | Separation Axis Algorithm (computer graphics) |
SAA | Sapporo Aeronautic Association (Japan) |
SAA | Service Availability Agent |
SAA | Summary Activity Account |
SAA | Synchronous Approximate Agreement |
SAA | System Area Analysis |
SAA | Self-Adjusting Automata |
SAA | Suspended Array Application |
SAA | Springfield Armory Arsenal |
SAA | Square Aperture Antenna |
SAA | Screen Advertising Association |
SAA | Stanford Aviation Association |
SAA | System Availability Analysis |
SAA | Society of Architectural Administrators (now Society of Design Administration) |